All About April's Full Moon in Scoripio

The Full Moon this month will be on April 23rd in the sign of Scorpio. So while we have all the grounding and physical aspects of Taurus from this season, we also have the properties of Scorpio highlighting our shadow side as well. This Full Moon is all about power, control, revelation, and secrets coming to light.

While this might initially sound ominous, it absolutely is not. This is a beautiful time, as through this Mercury Retrograde, we have slowly become aware of what needs to be changed in order to actually make the changes needed.

This will be the perfect opportunity for a release ritual, which I will talk about further. In a conversation with a friend about this Moon, I heard a beautiful comparison to that of a Phoenix. Out of the eclipse ashes comes transformation. I am here for it. Let’s dive in, shall we?

When it comes to (in my opinion) the most influential astrological aspect about this lunation, it is this Moon’s dance with Pluto. The main aspect being is that the Full Moon is square with Pluto, the planet of destruction and domination.

Pluto rules Scorpio, which makes this connection even more powerful and more aligned in the physical world. You’re going to see this affect real life and day to day events. Power struggles, heightened emotions, and compulsive behavior may be triggered from our hidden patterning and deep desires. 

You could feel more frustrated or even unsettled out of nowhere leading up to this Moon, but also for a week or two after. I say this because the Sun will be moving through Taurus into May 20th and this Full Moon happens in the opposite zodiac sign, which is Scorpio.

This axis within the zodiac relates to resources, like income or investments, but also deeper hidden desires. Taurus aligns with the material world and your physicality. You get my super sleuth connection here?

It’s like the Universe is balancing out “as above so below” right in front of our eyes with this one.

Full Moons in Scorpio tend to make us face the shadow self, as well as the issues keeping us from true, tangible, transformation. I think this is incredible personally, and I am going to take full advantage of it with clearing ritual. I’ll provide you a checklist in a moment, we still have more to talk about with this.

While this Full Moon has some intense and even seemingly ominous elements, there will be so many gorgeous aspects to tap into as well. The health of our relationships will be highlighted, which gives us a chance to step into deeper commitment.

You will have an opportunity to intensify bonds, and thanks to Mercury Retrograde being just about over, you could be presented with more opportunity for new commitments. Scorpio loves the chance to align with true partnership and revels in the energy of surrender. With this combination, there will often come some need to be vulnerable.

You could have a heart to heart with someone, witness someone confess betrayal or their undying love, or you could come upon an opportunity to connect deeper with friends and family on a really honest level.

Under this lunation it will feel empowering to be vulnerable, it is absolutely in alignment with our little Pluto Square I talked about. I say, let go of resistance and just be yourself, that’s when the magic happens.

The worst that will happen is that you see and feel even more truth than before and a profound pivot occurs. Scorpio energy can be elusive, you may be pulled to overanalyzing a situation or individual before deciding to open up. That’s well and good as it offers the opportunity to set intentions and boundaries. As long as you ground and feel safe, let the communication and emotion flow.

It’s no secret that this type of activity leads to personal growth, but that can be messy and leave a trail of destruction as you get to the heart of a matter.

Whether this is personal relationships, business relationships, or a clearing of the past, do not be afraid to cut ties or start fresh as this unfolds. This doesn’t have to mean cutting someone off, but it does mean that after this lunation you could end up doing things differently.

On many levels, this Full Moon brings waves of empowerment, creating an atmosphere that elevates those who wish to evolve. That is something that you will have to decide for yourself, friend.

Scorpios aren’t afraid to cut ties, start fresh, and destroy what is no longer working. They are also incredibly compassionate and tend to be quite unafraid of shadow work. This is about how deep you want to go and what your intentions are when it comes to the end result.

To get started I’ve created a little checklist in lieu of your ritual, shall we?

Full Moon Checklist:

-Ground Yourself: The time leading up to a Full Moon can often make people moody, sensitive, and fatigued. It is helpful to use this time to pause and ask yourself how you are feeling physically and mentally? The Full Moon is the perfect time to look inward and recalibrate.

-Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors, basking in the moonlight and connecting with the Earth’s natural rhythms. Take a moment to stop and smell the roses - literally. Watch the trees as they sway in the breeze and breathe fresh air. If you live near water, go to it and watch it flow. Time spent in nature has an incredibly healing effect.

-Try Meditating: Sit with your thoughts and take a moment to reflect. Oftentimes, it is only in stillness that we can fully see what is happening inside and around us. Celebrate your wins—small or large from the last couple weeks. Then do your best to “let it all go” and release any hang-ups. Techniques like mindfulness meditation or guided visualizations specifically focused on the Full Moon’s influence can be particularly powerful. Need some help settling down and meditating? There are many guided meditations online you can tune in to for some guidance.

-Write What You Feel: Pour your thoughts and emotions onto paper, seeking clarity and releasing negativity. Expressing through writing can help you identify what is weighing you down, (a habit, a situation, a person, etc.) and can give you more clarity than simply thinking about it. Release it friend, it’s time.

-Give Thanks: Recognizing what you presently have has a tremendous positive effect. Celebrating and being thankful is amplified at the Full Moon, so lean into it!

Bang a Drum: Sing or play a musical instrument. Don’t know how? Bang a drum! The most important thing you can do during a Full Moon is release any pent-up energy. Heck, howl at the Moon if you’re feeling wild.

-Eat a Healthy Meal: Just as it is important to cleanse your physical and mental space, eating a healthy meal during the Full Moon helps to cleanse your body. Choose fresh, unprocessed ingredients, with lots of vegetables and grains. In the summer, fresh, raw locally grown fruits and vegetables can be cleansing. In the winter, soups, stews, or curries can be nourishing and deeply comforting.

-Take a Bath: There are many benefits of taking a cleansing bath as part of your Full Moon ritual. Use this time to relax, meditate, and center yourself, focusing on your breath. When you let the water out of the tub, imagine you are letting go of whatever is no longer useful to you - right down the drain. If you’re not a bath person, take a shower. Focus on washing away the dirt, negative energy, and things you have collected throughout the day (or month), and imagine the water healing you as it rolls off your body.

-And, Rest: You deserve to let life unfold on your terms without having to push constantly. Take time to rest or even get to bed early if you can. But take some time for stillness to let the Universe know you are releasing rather than resisting right now.

Full Moon Tarot:

The Nine of Wands Tarot card is one that symbolizes hope even in the face of problems or adversity. This one calls on us to dig deep. This can signify one major trial or challenge that we are supposed to face in order to reach our goals. It’s time to dig in and win. 

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