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Crystal Glossary


Agate is a healing stone that harmonizes opposites and provides balance. Agate amplifies intuition and confidence in decision making so it is useful for tuning into anything that is not in your best interest. It is also great for those who are always asking others for their opinions rather than listening to their own intuition. Agate allows for concentration and enhances analytical skills, which allows decision making to be based in reality and rational thinking. Lastly, Agate can work to dissolve any inner anger or emotional trauma. Agate connects to the Third Eye and Crown chakras, but because of the diversity of Agate varieties each type of Agate will be connected to a different chakra, for example, Blue Lace Agate will be best for the Throat Chakra.


Amazonite works as a filter on many levels – mentally, it can filter intuitive information and physically, it can help to filter electromagnetic waves and pollution. Amazonite is perfect for maintaining the nervous system because it works to soothe fear and help process trauma. It aligns with the Heart and Throat Chakras, regulating our interaction with both our inner and outer worlds and encouraging the logical mind and the intuitive senses to work together. Amazonite should be placed near electronic devices; computers, cell phones, etc. Pair Amazonite with Amethyst for protection and strong sense of calm especially when feeling overwhelmed by emotion.


Amethyst is one of the best stones for overall protection and everyone can benefit from its strong healing properties – you can’t go wrong when giving this crystal as a gift to anyone. It is best known for its calming effects as it relieves stress and anxiety and will even block negative energies. Amethyst helps to clear the mind allowing for more clear decision-making, amplifying intuition, or aiding with sleep related issues such as insomnia. It connects best with the Crown and Third Eye Chakras. Place Amethyst under your pillow or on your nightstand for a more restful sleep (insomnia or nightmares) or in a space that you feel would benefit the most from its calming vibration, however avoid direct sunlight as this stone tends to fade. When wearing Amethyst on the body it works best if it is close to your throat or heart. Pair Amethyst with Rose Quartz for working through any kind of relationship issue or with Clear Quartz when in need of the strongest healing vibration and protection.

Angel Aura Quartz

This particular variety of Aura Quartz involves a special blend of Lemurian Quartz and platinum to create an iridescent appearance. This stone works deeply on the emotional and light bodies to soothe, relax, and bring positivity to the holder - it connects to the Crown chakras so it is perfect for those who have a low energy, or anyone who needs their mood elevated. When used for meditation, Angel Aura Quartz connects to divine guides and higher realms. Angel Aura Quartz works well when worn or carried close to the body.


Angelite, is a highly spiritual stone and will bring peace through its healing properties. It strongly supports communication - whether it be with your Angels, Spirit Guides, or speaking your truth in everyday life. Angelite promotes a healthy balance with your emotions, allowing you to work out any anger or bitterness you may be holding on to. It promotes forgiveness, compassion, and awareness and heightens intuition by activating the Throat, Third Eye, and Crown chakras. This stone is excellent for energy workers such as healers, tarot readers, and reiki practitioners to include in their physical space during sessions to better direct their energy. Pairing Angelite with Celestite or Fluorite can enhance its spiritual properties. Place Angelite next to your bedside area to connect to your Angels during sleep, place directly onto your throat during meditation, or wear as jewelry near the throat to encourage communication of all kinds.


Apatite is a stone that enhances intuition and self-reflection. Apatite connects to the Throat Chakra, enhancing communication and allowing for us to be more extroverted which can be helpful when it comes to public speaking and all types of group communication. When used with meditation or sleep it will open up the Third Eye and deepen spiritual awareness by way of raising Kundalini energy, as well as connect you to your future and past lives. Because of the diversity of Apatite varieties each type of Apatite will connect to a different chakra. Consider pairing Apatite with Amethyst to enhance your spiritual practice or allow you to feel safe enough to speak your truth. 


Aragonite is a highly spiritual stone that has a very strong connection to Earth and nature. It brings stability and grounding at times when emotions are high or there is emotional stress. Because of its grounding vibration and Earth connections it works best with the Root and Sacral chakras. Aragonite helps with emotional transitions and coping with difficult endings, goodbyes, and grieving any kind of loss. It can also help with patience and acceptance and can help anyone who pushes themselves too hard – making it clear where to delegate. Additionally, this one works to bring out your compassionate nature and gives patience to those who often find themselves as the “shoulder to cry on” for others. It eases some of this emotional burden and strengthens our fortitude around lending support in this way. Use Aragonite with Rhodochrosite when in need of extra Heart healing support.


Arfvedsonite is a manifestation stone that pushes you to be proactive, get rid of self-doubt, and envision your goals very clearly. With Arfvedsonite you will be able to restructure or reorganize your life in order to achieve those goals. It can enhance your spiritual growth and allow you to anchor to your highest purpose. It is useful for enhancing psychic abilities and optimism about the future, and serves beautifully as a bridge between your light body and your Divine Support system. Arfvedsonite works directly on the Throat and Third Eye chakras. Combine Arfvedsonite with Sugilite for manifesting and achieving goals.

Australian Yellow Mookaite

Australian Yellow Mookaite intensifies our connection to Earth and nature. As such, it is incredibly grounding and stabilizing to your auric field. For those who are inclined to fixate on future worries, this stone helps you connect with the present moment. It’s uplifting to the spirit and stabilizes the mood. Yellow Mookaite works directly on the Solar Plexus Chakra and promotes access to our strength of willpower and determination.


Astrophyllite’s main job is showing you your true self, which makes it a great stone for transformation. It brings so much positivity and light to you that any negative vibration or thought becomes minuscule. Astrophyllite will tap into personal potential and break through self-imposed and perceived karmic barriers. It urges objectivity and eliminates any resonant shame or guilt associated with the past. It shares the knowledge that giving up something good, for something great is sometimes necessary and vital for growth. Astrophyllite connects strongly to the Crown chakra but because of its intensely positive vibration it can also work to align all chakras. Pair Astrophyllite with Celestite or Angelite for a stronger connection to your intuition and Spirit Guides.


Aquamarine has a calm vibration that will quiet the mind and has an affinity toward sensitive people. It is a stone of courage and will give support to those affected by too much responsibility. Aquamarine connects to the Throat chakra allowing for communication and speaking your truth. It also can clarify perception, sharpen clairvoyance and intuition, and is fantastic for Third Eye opening. Pair Aquamarine with Sodalite to help express yourself in the healthiest way possible.

Aquatine Calcite with Lemurian Qualities

Calcite gently assists in returning personal power back to where it belongs. It buffers against stress and fear for the future. It connects the Heart, Third Eye and Crown chakras making it extremely supportive emotionally. It increases awareness around psychic sensitivity and helps connect to Spirit Guides. This calming stone brings you into the sought after lucid awareness. It will induce receiving messages through the dream state, where there is connection to the Higher Self, future psychic connection, and also back to previous lives.

Aura Amethyst

Aura Amethyst has a clean, multidirectional morphology and it will ping off other pieces’ energy within the home. This has a dual impact that is both clearing and amplifying for neighboring crystals. Aura Amethyst connects to the Third Eye and Crown chakras allowing for greater connection to your intuition. Amethyst is incredibly grounding and protective, and the aura coating promotes joy and happiness. Place an Aura Amethyst of these by your desk to absorb geopathic stress and EMF transmissions or meditate with a piece to enhance your spirituality.

Australian Turquoise

Turquoise is a grounding stone that cleanses energy and assists in transmutation of trauma around betrayal. This is because it balances the masculine and feminine energies of giving and receiving. Turquoise can also soothe a person who is constantly ruminates over the future. Australian Turquoise is a rare variety of this stone, and it assists greatly in self-actualization. It allows your most creative energies and mindful, deliberate planning to come together to ensure this growth. It’s a cohesive stone that allows us to take all of our experiences into consideration when making decisions.


Aventurine promotes success and positivity. It stabilizes the mind and pushes creativity. It calms stress, rage, irritation and brings in well-being. This is a great choice for athletes or those who are in a competitive career such as sales as it strengthens decision-making and leadership qualities. Aventurine works well with Clear Quartz to amplify your intentions. It protects the Heart chakra against any negative energy and will allow you to let go of any attachments that aren’t in your best interest. Use Aventurine in areas of your home that need clearing of any electromagnetic pollution or wear it in situations when in need of more confidence.


Axinite is a very rare stone that is strongly tied to nature. It has a unique property called Pleochroism, which allows Axinite to absorb various wavelengths of light. This kind of energy can assist with making big changes in life. It aligns best with the Root chakra as it draws up energy from the Earth and also releases negative energy. Use Axinite while you are meditating to help let go of anything that is not for you. To amplify this Earth centered stone use in combination with Bloodstone.

Bamboo Agate

Bamboo Agate guides you to replace stress with feelings of joy, especially with the simple things. It tethers the wearer to Gaia Earth energy. It dissolves fear and wipes away bitterness to allow for balance in both the body and the mind. As such, it allows you to be rooted in authenticity and self-efficacy. This stone is great for meditating at times when you need a boost to your inner power. Its work with the Chakras is expansive and swift but it connects best with the Crown chakra because of its affinity towards self-fulfillment.

Banded Agate

Agate is a healing stone that harmonizes opposites and provides balance. Agate can amplify intuition and confidence in decision making so it is useful for tuning into anything that is not in your best interest, and great for those who are always asking others for their opinions rather than listening to their own intuition. It is an excellent stone for focus and enhances analytical skills, which allows decision making to be based in reality and rational thinking. Lastly, Agate can work to dissolve any inner anger or emotional trauma. Banded Agate has all the properties of Agate, but also a beautiful connection to the Sacral chakra and supports all aspects of creativity. It is useful for breaking bad habits especially when there’s work and clearing to be done around old negative emotions and patterns. Combine your Banded Agate with Carnelian for double the assistance when releasing what is not for you.


Basalt has a wildly potent Earth vibration on its own as it is formed when the fire that is deep in the Earth’s core meets the surface. The surface of Mars, Venus, and the Moon are comprised primarily of Basalt. Basalt is a stone of courage, it encourages happiness by encouraging you to pursue your passions. The energy of this stone is very focused, it encourages us to zero in on changes that need to be made in the body and the mind. This works in real time and the present moment, which helps us to hold a higher vibration and frequency so that we can keep up with the energies around us. This is the perfect piece for those in entrepreneurial work and startups.

Black Crazy Lace Agate

Black Crazy Lace Agate is also nicknamed “happy lace” or “laughter stone.” This stone amplifies joy and optimism, self-confidence, and sense of security in who we are. It works as a support barrier for processing emotional pain and releasing attachments. It is also a stone of focus and concentration and is a wonderful assistant when accomplishing tasks and tackling to do lists. It allows you to assess situations with a more practical, analytical point of view. Meditations and intentions set with this stone will be amplified by these properties as it connects us to Third Eye and Crown Chakras. Program this crystal for any long term goals you have or around projects that require patience.

Black Onyx

Black Onyx is best known for being highly protective from negative influences and one of the sturdiest stones when it comes to grounding. It promotes strength and is paramount when feeling overwhelmed with mental or physical stress. Onyx can also hold onto the memories of the user and can aid in past life work and healing old trauma or grief. It connects best to the Root chakra, so that any lingering energy in the body that is not stable can be released. Keeping Onyx close to you is the best way to reinforce its properties so wear it in the form of jewelry or carry a small piece in your pocket. If you’re looking to feel even more grounded combine Black Onyx with Smoky Quartz.

Black Tourmaline

Tourmaline is an excellent stone for protection, and also an excellent mental healer and energy cleanser. It transmutes dense energy into a lighter vibration and aids in clearing and balancing all of the main Chakras. It promotes balance in the mind and body which creates a boost in self-confidence and less fear. Black Tourmaline is also good for protection against any kind of EMF. It has a strong connection to the Root Chakra. Meditate with a Black Tourmaline, point facing away from your body to encourage negative energy to move away. In your home place Black Tourmaline near any electronic device that may emit EMF waves. If you’re looking to cleanse and clear some major energy blockages use Black Tourmaline with Selenite.


Bloodstone is an incredibly healing and protecting stone and has been around assisting the collective forever. Because of its strong connection to the Earth and the Root chakra one of its best properties is its grounding capabilities. Bloodstone revitalizes the user while keeping negative energetic influence at bay. Its grounding properties are akin to Tourmaline but with a vibe that’s more intuitive. It keeps us connected in earth energy yet open to receive intuitive guidance. This stone helps to achieve that delicate balance and assists in bringing spirituality into everyday life. It connects best with the Heart chakra, but also helps to align the lower chakras because of the connection to Earth energy. Placed under the pillow or on the nightstand it stimulates signs, symbols and messages in the dream state. Pairing Bloodstone with Amethyst can help increase your intuitive powers and keep you feeling in control when in stressful situations.

Blue Calcite

The color blue is linked to higher consciousness and mental growth. Think of it as a facilitator of the emotional and intellectual energies in the body, it truly brings balance. All calcite is powerful when it comes to negative energy cleansing in the auric field as well as in the living space. It accelerates your spiritual growth especially when paired with Moonstone. It calms the mind and motivates the spirit, such an incredible crystal. Blue Calcite works as a filter for those who are energetically sensitive and seeking a pure balance between your emotional and intellectual bodies. It helps with relaxation because it sifts through negative energies and returns a more positive light in exchange. Blue Calcite will allow the user to remain calm and soft when dealing with emotional situations. This promotes a healthier, more harmonious discourse between thoughts and feelings. Blue Calcite works well with the Throat Chakra, especially when in need of help with communication and speaking your truth.

Blue Sandstone

Blue Sandstone aids in confidence and promoting success, making it a great option if you are looking to make a big change in life – like switching careers or starting any new chapter in life. It also shields the auric field from unwanted vibrations making it a great option for empaths. It’s blue color works directly with the Throat Chakra so it is a great choice for confidence with communication. Meditate with Blue Sandstone before a big presentation or any endeavor that requires confidence and concentration.

Blue Tiger’s Eye

Blue Tiger’s Eye has the traditional properties of Tiger’s Eye as it targets negative thought patterns and infixed tendencies. It will bring clarity to your problems, dissolve pessimism, and release any inclination to shift blame to others. Its blue color works directly with the Throat Chakra so it is a great choice for issues around communication. It brings clarity to any situation where you need to differentiate between what you want and what you truly need. For a boost in self-awareness combine Blue Tiger’s Eye with Black Onyx.

Botswana Agate

Botswana Agate is a solution-oriented stone, allowing you to be proactive instead of stuck when dealing with a problem. It has a peaceful, calming vibration and is very effective in dissipating anger and frustration. This stone helps to see the bigger picture without getting hung up on details. This particular Agate also resonates with those affected by or working with fire and smoke. It connects to our Crown chakra as it helps to solve problems and explore creativity.

Bumblebee Jasper

Bumblebee Jasper has a positive energy that supports taking on new changes with an open mindset, this property also makes it a great stone to pair with any kind of Agate. Bumblebee Jasper inspires joy, creativity, and makes even the most mundane of tasks feel like an adventure. In addition, it allows you to see the good in yourself that others admire and supports self-image and self-confidence. It both energizes and eases the spirit by instilling a sense of empowerment. It aligns with the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras so in addition to its many positive properties it will keep you more in touch with yourself.


Bronzite is a stone that is great for protection. It allows you to be more courageous by welcoming in self-assuredness and releasing doubt. This stone is great for anyone who is hard on themselves or has a tendency toward negative self-talk. Bronzite is gentle and reminds us to be patient when we can’t seem to let go of self-criticism. This allows you to move about your day and your interactions with a more peaceful mindset. Bronzite works on the Root and Sacral Chakras offering a highly stabilizing energy. Pairing this with Chiastolite will emphasize its grounding energy.

Caribbean Calcite

Caribbean Calcite pairs the cleansing energies of Blue Calcite and the stabilizing energies of Aragonite. When paired together these two stones work in tandem on clearing and aligning all of the chakras. Brown Aragonite works primarily on the Root chakra and secondarily on the Sacral chakra. It is useful for personal growth and self-discovery. It is a grounding stone for not only you, but also for other stones as well. It is soothing and calming which helps to create clarity around your perception. White Aragonite works on healing and purification. It has frequencies of healing, love, and compassion and connects to the upper chakras, but mainly the Crown and Third Eye. This openness allows light energy to bring a sense of tranquility. Blue Calcite provides serenity and clarity in stressful situations. It is associated with the Throat and Third Eye chakras, but has cleansing properties for all the chakras. Caribbean Calcite strengthens your intuition and activates the mind. For psychic workers this can assist in honing in on your inner vision and works on clairvoyance. Used during meditation, it is not only grounding and calming but can also enhance the connection with your higher planes. The overall effect of these stones paired together is one of profound peace and understanding of self.


Carnelian banishes fear and anxiety by bringing the user back to the present moment. It promotes courage, especially when dealing with unhealthy relationships, and any bad habits. Carnelian supports success in business related matters and anything related to creativity. It connects to the Root chakra and can get to the bottom of what drives you and urges you to trust that fully. Pairing Carnelian with Garnet will allow you to fully step into your confidence, passions, and receive the ultimate energy boost.


Celestite is the perfect stone if you’re beginning your spiritual journey, and also excellent for those who would like to amplify their current spiritual path. Celestite eases the user in keeping an open mind during times of change or when doing something new. It can soothe and calm any kind of high stress situation or aid in negotiation. This stone opens up the Third Eye and connects to the Throat chakra aiding in communication and clear thought, resulting in quicker conflict resolution, and less resentment. Combining Celestite with Clear Quartz can assist you in staying focused and clear headed while connecting to your intuition.


Chalcedony absorbs negative energy and allows joy to flow more freely. It brings stability and harmony to the user and in any sort of group situation. It eases self- doubt and allows perfectionism to be replaced with gentle introspection. It can bring an overall harmony by connecting mind, body, and spirit. The variety of Chalcedony is what will determine which chakra it is most aligned with, for example Blue Chalcedony is linked to the Throat chakra and can inspire you to be more vocal or it can help if you are someone who needs to think first before speaking.


Chalcopyrite is perfect for those feeling perpetually stuck and seeking the extra push to make meaningful change in their life. This stone is known to provide transformative energies that help with making changes in habits and lifestyle. Chalcopyrite works predominantly on clearing blockages of the chakras and in this way is useful in guiding the user toward finding true meaning and higher self. It works particularly well with the Crown chakra and will keep you open to any messages from the Universe and your Guides. Use this stone for meditation to remove blockages, receive information with clarity, and enhance inner knowing.


Charoite is a stone of transformation and can be a help with major life changes. It allows us to let go of fear and frustrations so that we can focus on the present moment. And, when dealing with loss Charoite reminds you of your strength and allows you to move you forward. It aligns the Crown and Heart chakras so we can tune into love and experience more emotional healing. Charoite’s vibration allows us to tap into our intuition, reflect on past lives and deal with personal karma. Charoite is a great stone for Healers and Intuitives because of its spiritual strengths. If you’d like to enhance your intuition use Charoite with Amethyst or Iolite.


Chiastolite is a stone of protection on many levels. It has a distinct cross pattern which clearly aids in dispelling negative projection and ill wishing. It deflects negative energy, dissolves fear, and works to aid conflict resolution. This stone allows for grace when for dealing with change and adapting to new phases in life - it is often used when expecting the loss of a loved one. In addition, it promotes problem solving through implementation of creative thought. It aligns all of the chakras but works best with the Root chakra. If you’re looking for protection and a sense of calm pair it with Black Tourmaline or Smoky Quartz.

Chocolate Calcite

This variety of calcite works with the Root and lower chakras and has a strong Earth energy. It assists in breaking bad habits when we habitually repeat the same mistakes. It helps relinquish outdated thought patterns and brings about new, fresh perspective. Chocolate Calcite works on softly refreshing energy. It achieves this by gently sweeping away negative, stagnate energy to amplify your field. As such, it is incredible for working on emotional healing. This stone encourages you to find a balance between your work and home life. It opens us to prosperity by revealing opportunities for personal growth and encouraging your sense of personal responsibility.

Chocolate Serpentine

Chocolate Serpentine clears any cloudiness in the chakras and is especially connected to the Crown chakra. It can activate Kundalini energies and opens new pathways. It has a way of directing your energies where you need it most, even without you consciously doing so. It's always quietly working in the background for you.

Chrysanthemum Stone

Chrysanthemum Stone, also known as Flower Stone, is a rare stone that has natural inclusions of Calcite, Feldspar, Crandallite, Andalusite, and Celestite. Chrysanthemum is a stone that inspires harmony and happiness. It allows the user to focus on the big picture and in the present moment which ultimately leads to spending less time thinking about external details that don’t matter. It will bring clarity to your purpose and push you towards your dreams. Meditation with this stone can go a long way for stabilizing any imbalances within the body. Pair this with Aragonite or Quartz for when in need of energy for big transformations.


Chrysocolla works hard on clearing all chakras but it works beautifully for the Throat Chakra. Whether it’s gaslighting or self-betrayal, this works directly on removing blockages and allowing you to speak up or to stay silent where necessary. For moments of “never again” it works with the Heart to mend heartache and resets your capacity to love. Feelings of guilt or self-blame may arise, and this stone will reverse destructive emotional programming. Used with the Third Eye it can allow for a deeper connection to your intuition and open your eyes to signs, symbols, and signifiers. All in all, Chrysocolla encourages reclaiming personal power. Chrysocolla is best worn or placed on the skin via jewelry or during meditation.


Chrysoprase is one of the best stones for anything related to the Heart and Sacral chakras. It can bring calm and healing to anyone effected by sleep disturbance. It has a strong detoxifying ability and encourages independence. Chrysoprase brings about security and trust, and begins to combat codependency - a perfect antidote for lifting negative recurrent thought patterns. It's an incredibly grounding manifestation stone. As such, these properties amplify new love and karmic connections. It works on healing heart wounding around the Inner Child and communicating how that wounding shows up in our adult connections. Try holding Chrysoprase during meditation to reach a deeper meditative state or place a piece near your bed or under the pillow for a better sleep.


Citrine has so many benefits, including bringing joy and happiness. It protects by eliminating negative energy – it can enhance your senses greatly, especially when it comes to protecting yourself. It is powerful when used for manifesting abundance of any kind, promoting us to share and simultaneously hold onto our wealth. It cleanses all of the chakras, especially the Solar Plexus. Citrine teaches us to manifest loudly so that confidence remains and hard work is viewed with optimism as we attain current goals and work towards new ones. If you are particularly sensitive to outside influence and tend to "take on" others emotion, this is the perfect crystal. One of the best ways to grid with Citrine is to place it in the left-most corner (the wealth corner) of your house, or business. Amplify the manifestation power of Citrine by using it with Clear Quartz.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz has the most powerful healing properties of any crystal – this is a stone that everyone should have in their collection, or if you want to give a crystal as a gift, you can’t go wrong with Clear Quartz. Quartz is master healer and it intensifies any energy vibration that is near, as well as intensifying the properties of other crystals. It is a protective stone that has the ability to bring balance to all the chakras. It especially connects to the Crown chakra as it connects our physical and mental bodies, and removes distractions during meditation. It works on the individual vibrational level of the user and returns the energy to a neutral state. Because of its amazing energetic properties gridding with Clear Quartz is one of the best ways to use it.

Cobalto Rose Calcite

Cobalto Rose Calcite has a gentle but constant energy and is truly a stone for self-healers. This Heart chakra stone works on “heart release” by working on emotional cleansing of the heart. It works on wounding around self-love and relationships. It frees the user of grief or ill will deeply rooted in past relationships while encouraging unconditional love. It clears blockages between the heart and the mind and encourages an authentic channel of communication between the two. This stone is excellent for both times of separation and reconciliation because it purges deep healing truth. It works to lift nervous tension and dissolves resistance to alignment. It amplifies energy and increases motivation around identifying and altering negative patterns. Its positive, serene vibes gently support the user during times of transition and change.

Colombian Clear Quartz

Colombian Quartz clears the mind and allows you to clearly see your life path. It is a control crystal which involves deep meditation and a commitment to working with the crystal, but the benefits are highly advantageous. Using control crystals allows the energy worker to remain neutral and detached during the process and permits a gentler way of healing. This is achieved by allowing the crystal to be a conductor and an extension of the energy worker. During this process, the Quartz directs the crystals working in tandem and achieves harmony. The striations on the side of the crystal allow you to access information. They have been described as tape recorders and allow you to gather information through the crystal. This variant of Quartz balances all the chakras, but aligns most closely with the Crown.


Colombianite is a Tektite variety of stone. This variety offers one of the highest vibratory rates of any Tektite. It is of the Colombian Muisca tribes and is considered to be an intensely sacred stone. It often goes by the name “Piedra Rayo” which translates to “Stone of Light.” If you’re on a journey to spiritual awakening and seeking to connect to your highest purpose, this is an essential stone. Colombianite lifts the veil and opens the heart to allow for such an awakening. This can both be intensely beautiful and intensely jarring depending on where you are in your readiness to discover truth and inner knowing. It brings about peace and harmony as it amplifies the shedding of emotional baggage, negative thoughts patterns, and harmful patterns of behavior. This can be disruptive at first as we are shown the deepest, most aligned, truths about ourselves. Consequently, manifesting is also sped up as our Karmic lessons become revealed. Use this stone in times of self-doubt and uncertainty in order to connect to your truest self.

Condor Agate

Agate is a healing stone that harmonizes opposites and provides balance. Agate amplifies intuition and confidence in decision making so it is useful for tuning into anything that is not in your best interest. It is also great for those who are always asking others for their opinions rather than listening to their own intuition. Agate allows for concentration and enhances analytical skills, which allows decision making to be based in reality and rational thinking. This variety of Agate embodies a strong, yet gentle energy. There is some grit to this variety of Agate that I couldn’t help but be attracted to, and I’ve found in working with it that it will push you as far you’ll allow it to. At the same time, it also manages to be incredibly grounding. The sense of balance that comes along with this piece is just incredible.

Dalmatian Stone

Dalmatian Stone promotes a sense of joy and light-heartedness. It allows the user to stop focusing on negative details and to enjoy the little things in life – this property can also aid in letting go of any anger or hurt. Dalmatian stone inspires a sense of loyalty towards others. This stone can be helpful with nightmares, keeping one near the bedside or under the bed will allow for a more peaceful sleep. Dalmatian Stone is best aligned with the Root chakra, keeping you feeling safe in times of stress. This would be a perfect stone for big changes like relocations, a new baby, or a new job. Use this stone in a space when you want to feel more balanced or in a space that needs boost of positive energy - or wear in the form of jewelry when you want to feel either of these two properties. Combine with Black Tourmaline for an extra sense of safety of Rhodochrosite for when dealing with any matters of love and the heart.

Dendritic Agate

Dendritic Opal is also known as Merlinite because it is said to be the stone of magic and attraction. It cleanses and sync all of the chakras, but is most strongly connected to the Third Eye and Solar Plexus chakras. One of the strongest properties of Dendritic Opal is that it inspires deep self-reflection which gives the user a fuller perspective of themselves. It balances and harmonizes by connecting the physical and spiritual and the inner with the and outer. This stone is particularly beneficial for someone who is at a crossroads in their life. It strengthens intuition and keeps a constant connection to Spirit Guides. This stone is best used for meditation or kept in your pocket.


Diopside works directly on the Heart chakra and allows for the user to love themselves more, to give love others, and to be more willing to receive love. It has an incredibly positive effect on the most trying of days. With its strong connection to Gaia energy and tethers the wearer to the Earth and her gifts, this is a crystal for anyone who loves the Earth and has a passion for taking care of our planet. Use Diopside if you feel you’ve been holding in your emotions, it will allow you to release anything that has been stuck. Combine Diopside with Larimar for a boost in intuition and communicating with your Spirit Guides.


Dumortierite brings calm into situations where you’d feel very anxious or even particularly stubborn. It blue color aligns with the Throat chakra and communication and Dumortierite encourages the user to stand up for themselves. It can help with co-dependency issues and breaking bad habits. It also can encourage organization and self-discipline making it a great stone for those who are starting or running a business. Because it has such an intense energy it may be best when first using Dumortierite to use it with a more grounding stone such as Smoky Quartz or Tourmaline.


Emerald is a stone of the Heart chakra and promotes love in all ways, which helps to heal any past hurt or coping with any setback. It encourages patience and balance in any kind of relationship. It has a positive effect on intuition and clairvoyance, allowing you to connect with your Guides. Use Emerald to align your Heart and Third Eye chakras for more insight into your relationships when needed. Whether it’s speaking your truth or healing from being silenced, this stone brings a strong continuous vibration that can be felt deep within. It is perfect for those seeking to attract more love but also those seeking to express it as well. When it comes to matters of the Heart use Emerald with Rose Quartz or Green Aventurine.

Epidote Pyrite

Epidote Pyrite is great for balancing and enhancing energy in people and in other stones. It is a joyful stone that allows for the release of negative energy. It has a grounding aspect that connects us strongly to the Earth. With this one, you’ll find that your generosity allows you to manifest even more abundance for yourself and for others. This stone will hold you accountable and allow you to set goals that are realistic by bringing both your negative and positive attributes to the forefront. When you’re working on releasing beliefs and behaviors that you’ve simply outgrown, this is the perfect companion piece. Its resonates with the Heart Chakra. Use with Amethyst or Seraphinite for a boost in removing negative habits and keeping you open to love.

Fire Agate

Fire Agate is an extremely protective stone that should be used when faced with adversity or negative energy spin. Because of its connection to Earth it resonates best with the Root chakra and helps to eliminate any negative energy. It has the power to send hatred or negative thoughts back to the negative source. It encourages boundaries, so anyone who is being bullied or ignored will find it easier to speak up for themselves. Additionally, it draws in financial abundance while revealing that which may have held us back from it. Its extra grounding and protective nature can be felt right away. With intention, Fire Agate will provide bandwidth for low vibration or energy and gently help send it back to the original source with love. A soft karmic lesson may also ensue so that enlightenment and alignment can occur. If you identify as an intuitive empath or are interfaced with individuals who draw in your energy reserves often, this stone aids in rectifying this so that your precious life force can be better protected. Place Fire Agate on your desk at work if you find yourself in a toxic environment or having difficulty with a co-worker or boss.

Fire Quartz

Hematoid Fire Quartz is made up of several things including Hematite. Normally, Hematite inclusions would show up as black, but when you polish Quartz to reveal the clarity of the crystal, the true intensity of Hematite inclusions come through. As such, each piece is then uniquely influenced by its makeup of Hematite. The inclusion of Hematite in this Quartz has a serious impact on its energetic properties. Here, we get the benefits of Quartz’s powerful frequencies and the stability of Hematite, which leads to a nice balance. Fire Quartz is known for amplification and is an excellent tool for manifestation, moon phase rituals, and vision boards. It provides foresight around the emotions and allows you to ask yourself if you’re having an unconscious reaction or a conscious response. It achieves this by transmuting negative energies and ridding imbalances. As this can be an incredibly calming stone, space is created for the user to engage in rational thinking and decision making. Fire Quartz acts as a grounding anchor for high frequency energy workers and can assist in integration of the shadow and light self. It is good for work around self-esteem and self-worth and focuses on the Root and Sacral chakras. Fire Quartz is often known as a stone of focus and concentration. The calming nature of this combination allows you to stay grounded and calm when you’re feeling overwhelmed by the size or number of tasks at hand. Pair Fire Quartz with a Golden Healer as both of these stones aid in attracting a soulmate.

Flower Agate

Agate is the stone of truth and perseverance. This particular variety touches on breaking free of constructing and repressive situations into freedom and renewal. It is the stone of balanced feminine energy and that of receiving the good that is yours. It shelters the field from fear and doubt so that a true felt sense of self can emerge. It fires up a desire to achieve passions and interests that were once hidden under energetically heavy and dense circumstances. True to its floral, plume like inclusions, this stone encourages growth and rebirth. If you are looking to be truer to your divine nature and manifest what inspires you most, meditation with this stone is optimal. Flower Agate connects to the Root and Heart chakras to release stress and bring inner peace. Pair with Rose Quartz when in need of extra heart healing energy.


Fluorite is a stone of protection that aims to get rid of anything toxic, absorbs negative energy, and can protect against electromagnetic pollution. It illuminates your intuition and encourages spiritual awakening. It urges organization with not only productivity but future expansion. Think of it as the stone that assists in turning on the lightbulb when chaos and mental fog dim daily life. It’s great for learning new things, progressing in current mastery, and even helps redirect stagnant mental patterns by clearing and edifying the Crown and Third Eye, however each variety of Fluorite will align best to a different chakra. Pair Fluorite with Amethyst because of their connection to the Crown chakra, together these two will allow for calmness while meditating and connecting to your intuition. Place Fluorite near any environment or device that needs relief from electromagnetic clearing.

Fossilized Oyster Marble

Fossilized Oyster Marble offers a secure, safe, balanced energy that promotes leisure, rest, and relaxation. Though it's commonly called Jasper, it’s actually marble, a metamorphic limestone and its swirled pattern is due to fossilization. This intuitive stone is also an excellent companion in meditation, especially when you are doing work around a big decision. It anchors your choices firmly to align with your truest intentions and assists in connecting you with your Guides. Its harmonious, Earthy energy connects to the Root Chakra and lower chakras. It assists in channeling Mother Earth’s protective field. I recommend holding onto this one during body scans throughout the day to recalibrate the field, especially during times of stress or frustration. Use Fossilized Oyster Marble alongside Caribbean and Chocolate Calcite to clear away the stress of the day and reset your energy.


Garnet is a powerful stone that energizes and cleanses. It brings balance to whatever needs stability in your body or life – whether that be your sex drive, bad habits that no longer serve you, and your perception of other people, among other things. It is a stone that encourages commitment to people or ideas, but also can help set boundaries where needed. Garnet is very useful in times of adversity or a feeling of hopelessness, it strengthens your instincts to survive and allows for you to feel courageous instead. It expands past life recall, stimulates the rise of Kundalini, and boosts self-confidence. Garnet will cleanse all the Chakras but is most closely aligned with the Root and Heart chakras. Pair Garnet with Rose Quartz or Carnelian for enhancing intimacy and confidence.

Golden Apatite

Apatite is a stone of manifestation and personal power. Apatite aids in the release of confusion, apathy, and anger. Golden Apatite is a variety that works on the Solar Plexus and is great for personal growth and bringing joy. It enhances creativity and learning, especially with any new information in regards to manifesting your goals. It promotes assertiveness and courage with taking risks making it a great stone for someone who is starting a new business, athletes, or anyone in a competitive occupation. Consider pairing Apatite with Aventurine for centering on setting and achieving important goals.

Golden Healer

The Golden Healer is a variety of Quartz that has an incredibly high vibration and you can feel its effects right away. It beckons the holder to slow down and allow the Chakras to release any blockages. Comprised of the cleanest, most grounding, Universal light, its golden rays work diligently to align the Crown to the Root chakra – this connection allows for extensive multi-level healing. This stone facilitates love at the soul connection level and is said to aid in attracting your soulmate. It’s color and movement comes from a naturally occurring Iron Oxide coating in between layers of Quartz crystal. Pair your Golden Healer with Black Obsidian for grounding and protection or with Fire Quartz for attracting your soulmate.

Gold Sheen Obsidian

Gold Sheen Obsidian is a variety of Obsidian that is very helpful with scrying, and revealing messages from the future or past. It allows you to use those messages to get to the core of the issue you are experiencing in the present so it can be healed. It is a great piece for someone who wants to understand themselves better as it is closely aligned with the Solar Plexus chakra which is the center of personal power. This connection makes it effective in releasing Ego or power struggles, which will balance energy fields and allow for self-reflection, understanding, and growth. Pair Gold Sheen Obsidian with Labradorite to show you what needs to be changed in your life.

Golden Calcite

Golden Calcite assists with courage and standing confidently in leadership roles. It speeds up the growth process while heightening awareness and cleaning out negative attachments. This is a crystal that is great for drive and can keep you focused during tedious work and create a more productive vibration. Golden Calcite connects to the Solar Plexus, so it helps to heal from abusive situations or relationships and any negative event out of your control. Calcite gently assists in returning personal power back to where it belongs. Pair Golden Calcite with Chrysocolla or Carnelian for channeling the power to leave behind whatever is not in your best interest.

Golden Tanzanite

Tanzanite brings a sense of calm and stimulates higher consciousness by working on old habits and patterns, perhaps even those we are not even remotely aware of. It connects the Third Eye, Crown and the Throat Chakra to form an incredible triangle that keeps intuition and edifying energy constantly flowing. Golden Tanzanite is a variety that amplifies true potential and higher alignment. It allows you to perceive your true self and your true desires without the filter of outside influence or opinion. For those who wish to stand stronger in self-trust, this is the perfect stone. Wear Golden Tanzanite when in need of reassurance or a calm grounding energy.


Goldstone is protective, highly motivating, and is excellent for attaining goals. This stone amplifies your passions while bringing in harmonious energy to your field. It works on the Root Chakra to tether the user to a grounded sense of stability. Pair Goldstone with Citrine for attaining any goals you have regarding abundance.

Green Heulandite

Green Heulandite connects with all of your chakras but it especially resonate with the Heart and the Solar Plexus. This is a stone for those working on healing generational trauma and eradicates negative karmic cycles. As the user starts to eliminating anything toxic from their lives, this can be “contagious” and have a positive effect on others close to them - as they will start doing the same for themselves! Heulandite does wonders for showing you your path to your highest self. This stone should be cleansed before and after each use whether it’s with water, smoke, or sound, this is critical. This makes it a more “high maintenance” stone but it will work as hard for you as you do for it.

Green Moonstone/Garnierite

Green Moonstone or Garnierite provides a grounded, balancing energy that does incredible work on the Heart Chakra, especially in times of despair, grief, and trauma. It is both soothing and energizing when you feel depleted energetically or burned out, as it provides stability when we’re feeling overwhelmed or faced with emotions that are difficult to process. Traditionally, this stone has been deemed “the accumulation stone” as it draws in prosperity of all kinds. Green Moonstone also amplifies and allows us to tap into our clairvoyant gifts. This intuitive stone guides us inward, allowing us to develop a deep sense of knowing of the self. Manifesting is amplified with Garnierite, especially if you’d like to take your practice to the next level. Place it on the heart center during meditation for maximum benefit.

Green Onyx

Green Onyx can look like Emerald or Jade, but it is formed through layers of Chalcedony and Quartz. This stone connects to the Heart chakra and acts as a bridge between the upper and lower chakras. It is a stone that is aligned with relationships, both for romantic and platonic bonds. Green Onyx works on emotional intelligence and communication skills, while also fostering a sense of compassion and empathy - using it with Calcite can enhance these properties. It helps you find the right words to comfort a friend going through a difficult time and assists you in being a better listener. It enhances intuition to support you as you identify and respond to the needs of those around you. Green Onyx also sustains your sense of intimacy, sensuality, and affection with your partner. As this stone works on the Throat chakra, it works to resolve relationship issues in a sensitive, diplomatic manner. In addition, when you need to right a wrong and apologize, this stone supports you as you do so. Green Onyx also helps you step into your personal power. It channels self-discipline, motivation, and dependability. This stone is good for those who are in positions that require a great deal of persistence and grit as well as for those who interact with a lot of people throughout the day. It works on confidence and determination as you learn a new skill or work to expand your knowledge base in trying situations. This is an excellent companion when manifesting growth and abundance. For those struggling with balance, especially between home and work, this stone allows you to identify which areas truly require your time and attention and weed out the extraneous focus or tasks of the day. Combining Green Onyx with Calcite will allow for continuance of vitality.

Green Opal

Green Opal is a soothing and regenerative Heart Chakra stone. It tends to matters of the heart following a separation or end of a contract or connection. It helps the user to turn inward and reconnect with their own inner strength and self-sufficiency. Green Opal works to soothe the physical body and allow a calm space to process and move through deeper feelings. Meditating with this stone when overwhelming feelings are involved can be really useful. This stone also helps the user focus on the present moment. If you feel constantly distracted and want to be able to appreciate the present moment more, Green Opal works directly on staying present and focused. Green Opal is a stone of balance and healing. For those in chaotic environments, whether in the workplace or home, this piece is a wonderful assistant. The creative benefits of working with stone are excellent, for writer’s block or for those who work in any creative or artistic field. It draws on the user’s inspiration and passion. Pair Green Opal with Rhodonite another Heart centered stone to find comfort as they work their healing magic.

Green Rhodonite

Green Rhodonite clears and stimulates the Heart chakra. Through soul work and meditation, it lends a supportive energy to feelings of shock and panic. It promotes unselfish love and ultimately forgiveness as it helps to build confidence in the wearer. This green variety of Rhodonite is extra special in that it’s a master cleanser of the heart, the center for love and deepest desires. Armed with confidence, manifestation becomes louder and armed with a clear Heart chakra, there is bandwidth to receive more.

Herkimer Diamond

Herkimer Diamonds stimulate attunement to the Higher Self and divine support system by clearing the chakras so that spiritual guidance can be channeled more clearly. It also links two people together and it is perfect to share with a partner or friend when you are apart. This stone works really well on geopathic stress as well. Connect to an anxious child while you’re away on a work trip, or even while you’re just at work for the day, by wearing matching bracelets or necklace that contain a Herkimer.


Howlite aligns with the Crown chakra to dissipate anger and resentment stemming from past and current life triggers. It also works on insomnia, especially when caused by an overactive mind. It also boosts your memory and inspires a love of learning. Howlite offers a soothing, calm energy that allows the user to be more mindful in all areas of life. If there is any discord in the home or office, Howlite is the piece you should bring in to those areas, keeping a small piece under your pillow can help with restless sleep, and of course wearing Howlite it is one of the best ways to receive its benefits. Howlite is powerful enough to be used all by itself, but if you find yourself in need of even more “calm” combine with Onyx or Obsidian.

Indigo Gabro

Indigo Gabbro is a deeply intuitive stone that is perfect for asking questions of your Guides. When using this stone, the messages from your Guides will be crystal clear during both meditation and in your dream state. This is a wonderful companion for shadow work and brings in an incredibly patient, grounding energy as you do this. Indigo Gabbro locates energy blockages and aligns the chakras, but connects most to the Crown and Third Eye chakras. For those seeking to develop their clairaudience, claircognizance, clairsentience, and clairvoyance, this is one of the best pieces to use.

Infinite Stone

Infinite stone is soothing and works hard to level and heal imbalances. It assists in clearing any baggage leftover from relationships and encourages speaking one’s truth clearly. It works to recharge the Heart chakra and also awakens Kundalini energy. If you are dealing with unresolved interpersonal issues or are coming up against a possible confrontation of those issues, the Infinite Stone eases this by funneling energy productively rather than a way that may cause more contention in the future.


Iolite is a stone of motivation and drive for the greater good, even if that good is difficult to attain. This one pushes determination and discipline so that goals can be met – like saving money, becoming more efficient with your time or just aiming to become more streamlined in your daily work. It stimulates the Third Eye chakra so that during times of challenge, a working plan can be formulated and adhered to, based on “seeing” from all angles and trusting your own intuition. Charoite would be the perfect pairing for Iolite especially since it is a great stone for Healers and Intuitives because of its spiritual strengths.


Jasper is a master nurturer and invites us to dive deeper into healing our Inner Child. It facilitates this healing on the collective level and helps close resentment laden gaps between loved ones. It urges courage, honesty, and living within one’s truth.

Kambaba Jasper

Kambaba Jasper, also called Crocodile Jasper or Green Stromatolite, is perfect for grounding into your sense of Divine Timing. The swirls and circles on the stone represent cycles, making this stone incredibly useful for tuning into anything of a cyclical nature. This particular Jasper radiates Earth energy connecting to your Root chakra. Meditating with this stone realigns you with the Earth and allows you to refocus on your true purpose. It removes fear and gives you the confidence to break harmful patterns and habits that no longer serve you. Kambaba works at the root cause and with karmic attachments to these types of negative behavior patterns. The sense of confidence and calm from this stone make it excellent for those starting new chapters.


Kunzite is a spiritual stone that amplifies love. It connects Heart chakra and Crown chakras in a harmonious way that allows the user to receive love and also communicate love to others with ease. When these two chakras are open and aligned this allows for us to receive the most beautiful gifts from the Universe. Kunzite encourages compassion, humility and service. It helps the wearer to adjust to the pressures of life and feel safe and strong knowing that they will get through anything that comes their way - because of this it also encourages the user to trust themselves. Wear your Kunzite as much as possible when in need of feeling uplifted or emotional healing. Using Kunzite with Aquamarine would also amplify these calm, loving vibrations.


Kyanite amplifies your intuitive gifts and is especially helpful when used in your meditation practice and with dream recall. It is a highly spiritual stone that is connected to the Throat and Third Eye chakras, allowing for contact with Spirit Guides and clears your pathways and meridians. It also encourages healthy relationships and strong connected friendships. This stone clears away negativity and never really needs cleansing. Kyanite encourages speaking one's truth and dispels blockages in order for that to happen. Keep Kyanite in your active areas of your home or office where communication happens often, or a small piece on your nightstand next to your journal so you can record your dreams first thing in the morning. A great partner for Kyanite is Labradorite because it amplifies Kyanite’s properties - together they will clear your head and allow for maximum emotional healing.


Labradorite connects to the Third Eye and Crown chakras and amplifies intuition on a different level than more other stones with this property - it actually facilitates the user to listen to themselves deeply enough to just know when the “perfect” time is. Labradorite inspires transformation as it strengthens trust in yourself and allows for greater self-confidence. It also prevents energy leakage, typically this happens around people of compatible wound resonance and we don’t even realize it. This makes it a really great stone for empaths and those seeking to fortify their energetic field. If you’re having a hard time letting go of the “why” behind events in life, this stone imparts greater understanding and then allows for release. It clears blockages, helps to sweep away past hurt, and helps to usher in new ideas - all allowing for greater trust in the Universe. Wearing Labradorite as a necklace would be a great option to keep it close to the upper chakras, or hold a piece in your hand during meditation. Combine Labradorite with Lapis Lazuli to feel secure and confident when expressing yourself.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli opens up the Third Eye and encourages the wearer to take charge of life by helping to clear the Throat Chakra, thus encouraging self-expression. It seeks the truth and encourages you to take that truth head on and learn from it. It supports dream work and facilitates spiritual development allowing for more contact with your Spirit Guides. It is a stone of peace, protection, honesty and compassion. It also is a protective stone that sends negative energy back to its source and supports you standing up for yourself. Wearing your Lapis Lazuli when you need more support from your Guides or need to speak up in a relationship or work meeting. Partner it with Turquoise for extra spiritual attunement.


Larimar is an incredible, rare stone especially for those seeking a soulmate. It is empowering and urges cleansing of the Throat and Heart Chakras, especially when it comes to trauma. It allows you to articulate your emotional needs and boundaries in a gentle way that is able to be heard by others. It enhances the Feminine Divine and brings about balance where needed. This stone works on tackling self-limiting behaviors and beliefs that are standing in the way of your growth and progress. It also is a stone that encourages communication with Spirit Guides and other realms and would be a great piece to meditate with. Wear your Larimar when you need assistance with going with the flow of things. Larimar’s heart healing properties would blend nicely with Rhodochrosite.


Lepidolite is a powerhouse when it comes to boosting intuition and connecting you to any past life energies that need to be released. It brings harmony to anything that is out of balance - mind, body, soul, energy, etc. It buffers electromagnetic pollution so it's perfect to use if you use a computer for work. It contains lithium and connects to all the upper chakras, so it is perfect for pointing the wearer how to best calm anxious, low, or misaligned energy. Lepidolite can be placed next to the bed or under your pillow for better sleep, or placed in areas of the home where there is electromagnetic pollution. Combine Lepidolite with Selenite for use of their calm vibrations.


Magnesite works well with the Crown, Third Eye, and Heart Chakras. It will point to all areas of self-deception so that it can be cleared out and replaced with a major focus on self-love. It is helpful in situations where patience and unconditional love are necessary due to another person’s difficult behaviors, especially in co-dependent relationships. Magnesite will keep you honest with yourself and point out areas in which you are not putting yourself first, allowing you to gently bring balance back to that area. Its connection to the Third Eye makes it a powerful piece to meditate with. It allows for calm confidence when there is anxiety and fear. Magnesite works best when kept close to the body, so wearing it on your wrist or carrying a piece in your pocket are the way to go. Charoite is a great partner for Magnesite when needing support with any kind of change or difficult transition.

Mahogany Obsidian

Mahogany Obsidian contains the highly protective energy of Obsidian, especially in its ability to speed up the work of cord cutting. This variety of Obsidian works tirelessly on removing unwanted energy cords particularly from those who violate boundaries repeatedly but whom you cannot completely remove from your life. This stone gets to the root of who you are as it is a stone of personal growth, self-truth, and higher purpose. It removes energetic blockages and helps increase confidence in your decision making. As we can sometimes ourselves be the barrier to our growth, it works around removing hesitation and self-judgment. This stone works on the lower chakra system and is especially beneficial for amplifying your sensuality, creativity, and passion.

Mahogany Obsidian reinforces boundaries by really pushing you to sit with your Inner Knowing and facilitates incredible assuredness in that. This stone gets to the root of who you are. It is a stone of personal growth, self truth, and higher purpose. It removes energetic blockages and helps increase confidence in your decision making. As we can sometimes ourselves be the barrier to our growth, it works around removing hesitation and self judgment. 

This stone works on the lower Chakra system and is especially beneficial for amplifying your sensuality, creativity, and passion. This stone connects us to our creative gifts and a free flow of creativity. nd Heart Chakras. It will point to all areas of self-deception so that it can be cleared out and replaced with a major focus on self-love. It is helpful in situations where patience and unconditional love are necessary due to another person’s difficult behaviors. It allows for calm confidence when there is anxiety and fear.


Malachite is the stone of truth and transparency and works to peel back layers and reveal the root of all blockages quickly. It is really powerful and can amplify positive and negative energy so the user should be very aware when using it. Whether we are seeking to speak our truth or faced with having to find truth in difficult situations, this stone brings it all to the surface. It is incredible for Heart chakra healing and getting to the root of betrayal wounds. When used with the Third Eye it greatly enhances intuition and also is used often with scrying. It absorbs negative energies at incredible speed and therefore should be energetically cleansed often.

Mangano Pink Calcite

Mangano Pink Calcite is a master Heart healer. It aligns the Crown and the Heart chakras, urging forgiveness and unconditional love. It has an ability to reassure us that our Guides are looking out for us, which allows us to feel safe. It can be used when in need of Inner Child healing it frees grief or ill will deeply rooted in the past, and eliminates feelings of hopelessness. Mangano Pink Calcite has a patient quality that validates our emotions, and lets us take the time we need in order to get to a happier, more balanced place. It also teaches us to have the patience to do the same for others around us. Overall Mangano Pink Calcite is a gentle stone of love and acceptance. For more support with gentle love and Inner Child partner this stone with Chrysoprase.


Moonstone is the stone of "light workers" and enhances psychic abilities and intuition. It is directly connected to lunar energy, reminding us that most things fall into a cycle of change, and also signifies new beginnings. It has a powerful calming effect on the emotions allowing for balance and eliminating frustration and over reactions. It aligns with the upper chakras and particularly the Crown chakra which allows for self-reflection and stronger connection to the Universe. Moonstone also aligns with Divine Feminine energy and is quite useful in balancing male-female energies. Wear Moonstone on your wrist or neck for whenever you’re feeling out or balance emotionally or feeling stressed in times of change.

Mexican Snowflake Obsidian

Mexican Snowflake Obsidian is of volcanic origin. It helps draw emotions to the surface, heals old karmic patterns, and helps examine harmful thought patterns. Obsidian acts without boundaries or limitations and is perfect for deep soul healing, protection, and grounding. Snowflake Obsidian is a gentler form and will nudge you to confront the source of your stress to allow for long term resolution and peace. It connects to our Root and Third Eye chakras allowing for emotions that have been buried deep down to come to the surface and be transmuted, as such this is a great stone for introverts. Combine this with Mangano Pink Calcite when needing a reminder that you will always have all the support you need from your Guides.

Miriam Stone

Miriam Stone is a unique stone comprised of fossilized shells, stones, and vegetation from an ancient swamp which results from the shifting in the Himalayan Mountains, this gives the stone a strong connection to Earth energy. This will sweep the Root Chakra and strengthen your connection to Gaia. The result of this connection is a strong rejuvenation and fortification of the auric field, allowing you to feel more energy. As such, this is a protective stone. Miriam is also called Calligraphy Stone due to its intricate patterns and delicate swirls. Miriam Stone allows you to heal past life traumas and heal generational wounding. It encourages self-discipline and it’s really wonderful for pushing through toward deadlines and the completion of long term projects. Meditate with this stone to recharge or keep by your desk while working long hours.

Moss Agate

Moss Agate is strongly connected to nature and brings in the strong healing properties of Earth, Air, and Water. This stone is a favorite among gardener’s or anyone who works with plants. Moss Agate is a stone of new beginnings and promotes healthy growth of all kinds; plants, pregnancy and babies, a new business, personal growth, etc. It also opens the holder to communication and aids in the reduction of energetic static. Allow the vibration of Moss Agate to serve as a tool and extension of your energy in any practice you choose. It puts you in a space of receptive energy to receive healing. Moss Agate closely aligns with the Heart chakra. Place Moss Agate in your potted plants for a boost or place directly on the Heart chakra to facilitate growth in any relationship. Moss Agate and Moonstone make for a powerful combination of Earth energy when dealing with new beginnings and the cycles of life.


Obsidian is the stone of limitless truth and growth. This stone urges us to expand beyond our self-imposed limitations and the disempowerment we feel due to circumstances beyond our control. It points out where we need to make changes and then helps us to actually implement those changes. It can be helpful when in need of letting go of a love interest that no longer serves and replenishes the Heart chakra. It doesn’t just work in the present, it can also heal past life wounds and trauma as well. It draws out tension and dissipates stress from the body by way of chakra sweeping, especially by way of the Root chakra. It can bring up truths that have been hidden for years, and yet it is extremely protective and grounding. Obsidian is essential for integrating the shadow and light selves. Obsidian brings clarity beyond what we ever thought possible. Use Obsidian for highlighting where changes should be made and then combine it with Green Onyx for the motivation and drive to actualize that change.

Ocean Jasper

Ocean Jasper is a master nurturer that encourages us to be more easy going and just go with the flow, just like the reference to water in its name. It invites us to dive deeper into nurturing our Inner Child. Ocean Jasper allows for feeling safe during times where you may feel vulnerable, for example, when expressing your feelings - therefore it’s a great stone to use if there is any discord in a romantic relationship. It facilitates healing on the collective level and helps close resentment laden gaps between loved ones. It urges courage, honesty and living within one’s truth. You could place a piece in your pocket before an important conversation with your partner or therapist, or use it for gridding the home while clearing, protecting against, and absorbing negative energy. Use Ocean Jasper with Kunzite or Mangano Pink Calcite for a powerful, yet gentle and loving vibration.

Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite is a cleanser and major energizer for the lower chakras. It promotes joy and happiness while removing fear and balances mercurial emotions. It allows the user to feel more connected to the Universe and to people around them. It is perfect for anyone on a journey of personal or spiritual growth because Orange Calcite can help to speed up growth in areas where you feel stuck. In addition, it amplifies personal potential and helps the wearer to simply not sweat the small stuff. Amazonite would partner well with Orange Calcite to combat fear of change during times of growth.

Orange Selenite

Orange Selenite gets its pearly, silky orange color from Hematite deposits. Think all of the Selenite benefits of ascension and connection with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides plus the grounding benefits of Hematite. While Orange Selenite works on your Crown and higher chakras the same way traditional Selenite would, this variety also does outstanding work on the Sacral chakra. Orange Selenite enhances self-confidence, passion, and sensuality and therefore also activates Divine Feminine energy. It’s connected with Earth and Moon energies and is incredibly grounding for the physical body. It protects against energy leaks from absorbing unwanted negative energies. It promotes peace and tranquility, with less room for negative energy, even if it may be your own negative self-talk, it works big time on self-esteem and connecting you with your higher self. Include Orange Selenite in your gridding practice as it gives the safe, peaceful space needed to do some work around self-worth. Wear Orange Selenite and Carnelian on the same wrist for more energy clearing to the Sacral chakra.

Orca Agate

Orca Agate offers gentle support without being too intense and encourages a peaceful and nurturing energy. Its blue hue connects with the Throat Chakra and encourages communication, both with others and with yourself. It fosters a more gentle inner truth and inner peace while providing a soft, healing vibration. This makes it an excellent companion for your meditation practice and can provide a moment of calm in your hectic morning routine. Its plumes mimic the pattern of an Orca whale, this stone has a connection to the element of water and is sometimes even referred to as Ocean Agate. It is also a stone of forgiveness and compassion, which would make it wonderful for using in tandem with Rhodochrosite. Placed on a bookshelf, it produces an undercurrent of positivity, self-confidence, and an overall feeling that everything will be okay. This would also be great in an office or near a computer, especially at the end of the day. For those seeking more ease in life while still maintaining the integrity of their personal purpose, rest this piece gently in the palms of your hands and allow yourself to connect with what is vital and the core of the higher self.

Peach Moonstone

Peach Moonstone shares all the great qualities of Moonstone; it is connected to lunar energy, it reminds us that most things fall into a cycle of change, and boosts our intuition. Peach Moonstone has a more uplifting and happy energy associated with it. It connects to your inner-self helping you to identify what brings joy to your life. This variety connects your Heart and Solar Plexus chakras. Wear Peach Moonstone with Rhodochrosite to focus on self-love and happiness.

Pearl of Divine Fire

Pearl of Divine Fire is derived from a meteorite landing over the Indonesian archipelago, this Agni Manitite Tektite is a rare and potent. The mineral that resulted was named from the ancient Sanskrit term “Agni Mani,” which translates to “Pearl of Divine Fire.” As most pieces of Agni Manitite are now under water, this stone is extremely rare to come by and is highly sought after due to its profound effect on healing Sacral energy. This is a stone of initiation - it amplifies your creativity and adventurous energy and feeds that energy to your manifestations. Pearl of Divine Fire allows you to channel your energy and focus it into the dream or task that you desire. For those on the path to spiritual awakening, this will be the piece necessary for the inner processes. This stone also resonates with the Solar Plexus chakra and allows you to assess your energy and personal strengths at accelerated speeds. This stone ignites change quickly, therefore it should be handled with care. The Pearl of Fire appears very dark until exposed to a back light. When lit, the Pearl of Fire transmits a unique smoky color. Use this when making personal choices that will bring true joy and fulfillment or if you’re perpetually stuck in unyielding cycles. This change can feel uncomfortable at first, so pair this with any Moonstone to calm any feelings of instability during these transitions.


Peridot protects from negative vibrations by acting as a shield for our auric field. It allows you to evaluate whatever you’re holding onto that is unnecessary and allows you to let go of that emotional baggage. This evaluation will also highlight any past lessons you learned as a gift you can bring with you into the future, taking negative feelings and looking at them from a positive perspective. Peridot will tune you into your Higher Self and aid in ignoring any outside voices. It connects the Heart and Solar Plexus chakras, encouraging compassion for yourself and others. It works remarkably well at keeping jealousy at bay by calming the user in times of insecurity. Combine Peridot with Tourmaline for continued protection on the auric field.

Peruvian Pink Opal

Pink Opal aids in feeling centered on a spiritual level and connects strongly to the Heart. It encourages and amplifies self-love allowing the user to love themselves instead of seeking it from others resulting in comfort and strength. It can provide relief from sadness during times of heartbreak, whether it be the loss of a loved one or a breakup. When using this stone during meditation it can increase intuition and will connect you with your Spirit Guides. This is a stone of love, passion and sensuality, but also safety. Aquamarine is a beautiful crystal to pair Pink Opal for amplifying their spiritual properties.

Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood is a transformation stone that assists in tapping into your best self. Meditation with this stone at the beginning of the day can help you center yourself for the day ahead and maintain focus. True and meaningful change is never overnight and Petrified Wood is an excellent companion for those who are manifesting life changes, it is also excellent for promoting patience and preventing you from becoming discouraged. It will help turn intention into action. For those who struggle with establishing boundaries with others and have a habit of “people pleasing” this stone boosts your willpower and self-advocacy skills. Petrified Wood connects to the Root chakra and works directly on unmet survival based needs from childhood and bringing about one of the most secure, loving energies. The feeling of safety that comes with this stone is profound. It encourages the patience required to do the work necessary to heal and adjust behavioral patterns. It amplifies a stable, grounding energy due to its age and Earth connection and its vibration is incredibly calming. Pair with Amethyst for an increase in patience when establishing boundaries and working on personal growth.


Phosphosiderite works to align to the Higher Self. It facilitates the Heart and Third Eye chakras and is great for meditation. Phosphosiderite acts as a calming anchor when uncovering difficult truths about ourselves and others. It eliminates stress and worry and allows the user to focus on hope instead. It is also great to have nearby for those sleepless nights when the mind gets stuck in a loop of replaying conflict over and over.


Pietersite is incredibly useful at cleansing the auric body of toxicity and offering a sense of renewal. It has a highly protective energy and aids the user in deflecting negative thoughts and energies that may be sent their way. This is a wonderful companion stone when in need of internal reflection and self-assessment. It allows the user to be diplomatic but honest during this process and can truly be transformative in support of self-realization. As such, Pietersite fosters a deep relationship with the self and inner guidance. It promotes healthy interdependence in relationships which protects against co-dependence. It connects to the Third Eye and can stimulate spiritual visions when used during meditation. Wear it close to the body and combine Pietersite with Tiger’s Eye for inspiring courage when leaving unhealthy behaviors behind.

Pineapple Muscovite

Pineapple Muscovite is unusual, as it’s a light colored stone that absorbs negative energy. It strengthens our Crown and Third Eye chakra connection and raises our vibrational consciousness, preventing and protecting against negative attachment. Pineapple Muscovite is great for those who have a sense of clarity around their true purpose on this plane but feel disjointed from that path. This is a companion stone for those who understand the end goal but just aren’t sure how to get there. The connection to your guides, as well as its spiritual insulation around your aura, contributes to an incredibly fine vibration. It brings awareness to your triggers and allows you to be more conscious of acting from a position of dignity and coherence. Pair Muscovite alongside any new crystal with a strong vibration to balance crystal integration and take the edge off.

Pink Calcite

Pink Calcite is a master Heart healer. It is the stone of forgiveness and “heart release.” It urges us to have compassion and love ourselves and others unconditionally - this can be helpful when you are having a hard time getting along with someone. If you tend to be a perfectionist and criticize yourself frequently, this crystal can allow you to take it easy on yourself. Healing yourself only strengthens the love you have for others. Pink Calcite is excellent for both times of separation and reconciliation because it purges deep healing truth. It works to lift nervous tension and dissolves resistance to alignment. This is also a good stone for those who have suffered trauma. It amplifies all energies so it is a good crystal for Reiki practitioners. Wear Pink Calcite near your Heart or hold a piece when meditating specifically with the intention on cultivating more self-love.

Pink Scolecite

Pink Scolecite connects heart energies and opens pathways (not to be confused with cords) that are incredible for enhancing and maintaining a constant connection. If there’s already a vortex between lovers who are connected physically, this edifies that. This stone is wonderful for manifestation, but especially in the area of romance and relationships. Scolecite connects to our Heart chakra and is one of transformation and the gentlest ascension. The pink inclusions found in this stone are Stilbite - this is the secret for the longevity associated with Pink Scolecite. This is not just reserved for relationships but is also associated with long-term commitment in other manifestations and goals. It works diligently to connect the Heart and the Crown chakras. Scolecite is an excellent stone for those who identify as light workers or seeking to deepen spiritual enlightenment. Placed under the pillow it offers up dream recall and can connect you to loved ones on the other side. This stone also unlocks the energy and meaning behind dreams so that messages can be easily deciphered.

Pink Tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline is a great stone for the Heart chakra as it promotes self-healing, love, and compassion. It also calms stress, blocks negativity, and boosts intuition. Its properties make it a good stone when working through issues that feels particularly emotional. It can help with leftover trauma that has left a feeling of unworthiness. Empaths and energy workers can benefit greatly from this stone. Meditate with Pink Tourmaline for aligning the Heart and the Crown chakra together for healing that is focused on love, truth, and/or forgiveness. Try Pink Tourmaline with Green Tourmaline together as they are both stones that are focused on Heart healing.

Pistachio Calcite

Pistachio Calcite is great for those who are working through major transformations and life changes, especially when ending a romantic relationship because it clears away negative emotions and rebalances your system. This stone works hard on balancing emotions as you face a change of heart and helps you process that change no matter how traumatic it may be. Pistachio Calcite shifts your awareness to the love that you deserve and away from romanticizing connections and partners that do not serve you. This is also helpful good one when purging your space of remnants of what once consumed you. Whether you’re energetically sensitive or not, this stone is soothing to the emotional body and an excellent companion in relaxation. It supports us as we refocus on the positive and is a wonderful addition to your practice when doing work around transformative affirmations. Pistachio Calcite is incredible for the Third Eye Chakra and aids in clairvoyance. It emits a gentle blue light around the auric field of the user, activates the dream state, and can even assist in astral travel. It supports dream recall and channeling messages from your Guides. In its use around the Throat chakra, this stone works directly on writers and artists’ block.

Polychrome Jasper

Jasper is a master nurturer and invites us to dive deeper into healing our Inner Child. The Polychrome variety connects to the Root chakra and allows us to connect deeper to our original innocence, allowing for reflection on our path to growth. It is a truly nurturing stone that helps us remember where we came from and to enjoy the little things in life that can get lost in our every day on-the-go lifestyle. Use Polychrome Jasper with Bloodstone to stay grounded while working to heal your Inner Child.


Prehnite has a connection to nature and the angelic realm. It is a stone for healers of all kinds because it helps them to focus on healing themselves. Prehnite is a wonderful piece for enhancing intuition, spiritual growth and deep meditation. This stone is excellent for those aiming to overcome issues around abundance and feeling “good enough.” It encourages restful sleep and relaxation. It has a very protective and healing energy that envelopes the user or the environment it is placed in. Prehnite is also useful when in need of purging and organizing spaces where you need encouragement to throw away or donate things that are no longer needed. Prehnite is one of the few stones that connects the Heart to Solar Plexus, which allows us to lead with our hearts and be proactive about working towards our goals and dreams each day. Use Prehnite for gridding in spaces in the home where a calm energy is needed, and because of its strong connection to nature you can also place in a potted plant or garden. Pair Prehnite with Citrine for enhancing the Solar Plexus alignment.


Purpurite is a powerful stone of ascension and embodies a highly spiritual violet flame energy. It works on connecting the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. It allows the Divine Light of Spirit to reach you during meditation and is an incredible stress reliever. It enhances your intuition with intensity and allows you to channel energy through the Third Eye with greater tenacity. It provides mental clarity, connection, and alignment for the user. As such, it is a wonderful stone to have nearby for those who pull Tarot. It cleanses the auric field and prevents negative attachments. During meditation, this stone works directly on identifying any limiting self-imposed beliefs or self-destructive behaviors and getting to the root of the problem. It soothes anxiety and combats feelings of learned helplessness. It promotes confidence and empowerment, especially in matters involving public speaking and presentations. If the intensity of this stone is too strong for you, pair it with Black Tourmaline or Shungite to provide a balanced, grounded energy. This intensity also makes it a wonderful assistant for more serious crystal users.


Pyrite is a joyful stone and one of genuine prosperity. Pyrite inspires generosity which allows for manifesting abundance. It raises your own vibration significantly when used properly. It brings both your negative and positive attributes to the forefront. It will highlight these negative aspects in a way that motivates change and allows you to channel your positive aspects and gifts. When you’re working on releasing beliefs and behaviors that you’ve simply outgrown, this is the perfect companion piece. Its resonance with the Heart chakra is strong and there is a gentle aspect that allows you to rid the negative beliefs about yourself that you’ve adopted from others. If you find that hurtful words of others in the past have become part of your internal dialogue, Pyrite will help you release attachment around them. This is such a wonderful stone for both students and professionals.

Que Sera

Que Sera, sometimes called Vulcanite or Llanoite, has an incredibly high, almost unusual vibration and combines the energies of Quartz, Calcite, Kaolinite, Feldspar, Iron, Magnetite, Leucozone, and Clinozoisite. Que Sera comes from the phrase “que sera, sera” meaning “what will be, will be.” Put plainly, Que Sera translates to “will be,” which can bring peace and calm to the user. This translation is perfect for the energy of this piece, as it channels Divine Trust in the Universe. Que Sera aligns all the chakras but connects most closely to the Third Eye and Crown. It’s a stone that inspires transformation and allows the user to manifest what they truly desire and then the focus to see it through. Anyone who tends to take on too much responsibility, or has a hard time saying no should carry a piece of Que Sera in their pocket or on their wrist. Petrified Wood would be a good partner for Que Sera when in need of extra support when needing to advocate for yourself.

Rainbow Amazonite

Rainbow Amazonite is a variety of Amazonite that shares its energetic properties, but with some added interest aesthetically. It’s a stone of universal love and higher consciousness. It helps to filter information on an intuitive level as the logical mind and the intuitive senses are urged to work together. Its alignment with the Throat chakra makes it soothing when there is a fear of confrontation and judgment and helps to process trauma and set boundaries.

Rainbow Fluorite

Rainbow Fluorite is a variety of Fluorite that shares its energetic properties with some added interest aesthetically. Fluorite will set outside energy straight and clear out whatever isn’t in alignment. It urges organization with not only productivity but future expansion. Think of it as the stone that assists in turning on the lightbulb when chaos and mental fog dim daily life. It’s great for learning new things, progressing in current mastery, and even helps redirect stagnant mental patterns by clearing and edifying the Crown and Third Eye.

Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow Moonstone is actually a type of Labradorite, and has all the healing properties of Moonstone, but it has an extra emphasis on intuition and clairvoyance. Moonstone is the stone of "light workers" and enhances psychic abilities. It is directly connected to lunar energy, reminding us that most things fall into a cycle of change, and also signifies new beginnings. It has a powerful calming effect on the emotions allowing for balance and eliminating frustration and over reactions. It aligns with the upper chakras, particularly the Crown chakra, which allows for self-reflection and stronger connection to the Universe. Moonstone also aligns with Divine Feminine energy and is quite useful in balancing male-female energies. Wear Rainbow Moonstone close to you whenever you’re feeling out or balance with your intuition or emotions.

Rainbow Sapphire

Rainbow Sapphire aligns all the chakras, but is a Third Eye stone of balance and transmutation. Sapphire is often referred to as the wisdom stone and it brings peace of mind and alignment. It is a stone of trust, respect, and romance, and attracts those who hold the same values. It invites spiritual clarity and is a useful companion when meditating on big decisions. Sapphire promotes consistency and order and will truly keep you on your path and allow you to resist the temptation of distractions that offer only temporary satisfaction.

Rainbow Tourmaline

Rainbow Tourmaline is an incredibly protective stone as it contains multiple varieties of Tourmaline. It’s ultra-protective against negative energies and extra hard working when it comes to sweeping all the chakras. Tourmaline works endlessly on the auric field until all is well and balanced on every level. The pink variety works on the Heart and Sacral chakras while the yellow and brown variety work on the Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras, providing a boost in creative centers and confidence. The grounding that results from the yellow and brown variety promotes a healthy boundary system which is important for self-awareness and releasing fear. Green Tourmaline opens us up to Gaia energy which is both Heart opening and grounding.

Rainforest Rhyolite Jasper

Rhyolite offers an Earthy, grounded vibration. This stone is fantastic for quiet, understated confidence and radiates alpha energy. It supports self-esteem without stroking the ego and supports introspection. I recommend this for clients who are in high stress positions, as it helps one keep a level head in the face of challenging or complex situations. For goal-oriented individuals, Rhyolite gives you the fortitude, determination, and grit to stay consistent and persistent on your path. For those who embody a provider mentality, this responsible stone is ultra supportive in career, money management, and focus. Jasper is a master nurturer and invites us to dive deeper into healing our Inner Child. It facilitates this healing on the collective level and helps close resentment laden gaps between loved ones. It urges courage, honesty, and living within one’s truth. When these two meet, the result is an absolutely stunning pattern of Earthy swirls and an ultra grounded vibration.

Red Nuummite

Nuummite is a rare, unique combination of Anthophyllite and Gedrite, and is only found in Greenland. Nuummite allows you to step into your leader energy and honor your masculine role on this plane. Its duality is incredibly unique, lending both mastery energy and the deepest relaxation. It pulls energy trapped in the subconscious that has been lost to fear, anxiety, and trauma. It connects to the upper chakras allowing for you to connect more deeply with your Guides, and will increase claircognizance, clairsentience, and clairvoyance abilities you already possess. You will benefit most from keeping Nuummite as close to your body as you can and often. Nuummite can also be held during meditation. You can combine Nuummite with Labradorite for more spiritual protection.


Rhodochrosite is an essential stone for self-love and Heart chakra healing. It is a teacher of the heart by helping to remove denial and is said to assist in attracting soulmates. It also clears the Solar Plexus and base chakras, thus stimulating emotional release and the confrontation of fear. Rhodochrosite can assist when in need of healing your Inner Child or when recovering from abusive relationships. This stone is extremely useful when worn on the wrist. Pair Rhodochrosite with Citrine when needing extra support putting yourself first.


Rhodonite clears and stimulates the Heart Chakra and encourages the energy of love. It allows the user to feel love by showing them what they’re really good at and allowing these gifts to be showcased in a way that enhance self-confidence, this property makes it a good stone to have in the workplace. It grounds, balances and taps into the highest potential. Through soul work and meditation, it lends a supportive energy to feelings of shock and panic. It promotes unselfish love and ultimately forgiveness for the user themselves and others. Meditating with Rhodonite or sleeping with it next to your bedside can enhance dreams and visions. Pair Rhodonite with Green Aventurine for enhancing self-care and manifesting abundance for yourself.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is constantly striving to serve the Heart chakra, but it is also a stone of protection. It is calming, reassuring, and provides protection by replacing negative energy with love. It is useful when working through trauma or any emotional pain, and can also help during major life events such as a mid-life crisis. It encourages deeper bonds within all relationships by creating space for the user to be more empathetic and compassionate with themselves and others. It is said to teach self-love and encourage mutual understanding and forgiveness. It provides reassurance which banishes codependency, jealousy, and mistrust. This stone of universal love also works on the Throat chakra and encourages gentle but firm communication which can improve any kind of relationship whether that be with yourself or others. Wear Rose Quartz close to your heart or grid your home with it, placing it in the relationship corner, the furthest right corner of your house, to manifest love and or relationships. Use in combination with Rhodonite for emotionally heavy situations, or with Amethyst to encourage loving connections with others.


Rubellite comes from the Tourmaline family, but only the most stunning shades are categorized as Rubellite, the most vivid and intense class of Red Tourmaline. Rubellite is perfect for those who are busy, on the go, and operate day to day at a high energetic level. It channels inspiration and the drive needed to maintain that level of operation by keeping your “why” at the forefront. It ignites a belief that you are capable of achieving what you’re working toward. Rubellite is great as an office companion as it supports collaborative efforts and teamwork. It works on communication by allowing differences to be recognized and overcome in a graceful, diplomatic manner. If you find someone frequently challenging your authority, this stone will assist you in resolving this. Rubellite connects best with the Heart and Root chakras. In romantic endeavors, Rubellite will help you keep a level head. When meeting someone new it is easy to get caught up in their potential and this stone helps you keep your focus on taking things slow and learning about someone’s true character with an open mind. It pairs beautifully with Pistachio Calcite for this reason. In dating, it also helps remove the attraction from those who only partially meet your needs or are inconsistent with their attention towards you. This stone strengthens your fortitude around the belief that that inconsistency is simply unattractive and beneath you. Cradle a Rubellite in your lap during morning meditation to energize yourself during the work day and beyond or keep on your desk at work for increased communication. This stone is wonderful for the physical body when paired with Selenite or Lepidolite to counteract the high amount of energy that Rubellite inspires.

Ruby Kyanite

Ruby encourages the wearer to follow dreams without being self-destructive. It balances the chakras with emphasis on the Heart by vigilantly protecting heart energy. This stone not only sweeps negative energy but also helps transmute it in a way that the user can learn something constructive. Kyanite amplifies intuitive gifts, helps to connect with Spirit Guides and clears your pathways and meridians. This stone clears away negativity and never really needs cleansing. Kyanite encourages speaking one's truth and dispels blockages in order for that to happen.

Ruby Zoisite

Ruby Zoisite is Red Ruby trapped inside Green Zoisite. This stone encourages returning to self and finding your center by promoting positive feelings and joy. It sweeps the Heart, Root, and Third Eye Chakras and brings them together in working harmony - this allows for deeper manifesting of dreams. Ruby Zoisite has the ability to take negative energy and transform it into positive energy instead of just getting rid of it. This stone is most powerful when the user meditates with it because it inspires very deep, trance-like states.

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Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz is a huge supporter of the energy field and it cleanses and charges all of the chakras. It protects from energy transference and sudden stress. It also helps the wearer to stay grounded during interactions with others. Rutilated Quartz is great for people who work with the general population in nursing, law enforcement or counseling because it aids in grounding energy during challenging days. It also is a stone for healers to use in their practice or for anyone who needs spiritual guidance because it works well with scrying and channeling. It sloughs off negative resonance making sure that it does not attach to the healer. In addition, it helps to let go of the past in order to embrace a higher, more refined vibration. Combine it with Apophyllite for extra high vibration energy.


Sardonyx connects to the Root chakra and combats learned helplessness by amplifying both stability and self-confidence. It allows you to perceive others with a sense of detachment and supports you in removing emotions attached to outcomes. It strengthens character, discipline, and self-control. If you need more structure in your life, this is the stone to turn to, especially for those who are pulled in multiple directions. It promotes concentration and allows you to translate energy and intention into productive results. Sardonyx is excellent for athletes, builders, and business ventures. Sardonyx can be extra grounding when paired with Onyx.


Scolecite is an excellent stone for those who identify as light workers or seeking to deepen spiritual enlightenment. It is diligent when it comes to the upper chakras and the Heart chakra as it opens up all for release and urges the connection to Spirit. It has the power to connect us to the idea that we are a part of a greater existence, which also brings us peace. Scolecite also allows us to be productive and see the big picture when we’re feeling overwhelmed. Placed under the pillow it offers up dream recall and can connect you to loved ones on the other side. This stone also unlocks the energy and meaning behind dreams so that messages can be easily deciphered.

Scorzalite Spinel

Scorzalite Spinel is not commonly found and gets its deep blue hue from its formation with Lazulite. This is good for those who feel disconnected from themselves. If you just haven’t felt like yourself, this is the perfect companion piece as it amplifies the best of our personalities. Spinel is the stone of rejuvenation and renewal on all levels, so it is a good choice for those who spend too much time at work. It works to clear all the chakras as well as fortifying them with renewed vibration. During trying times or instances of drawn out stress, this stone delivers a supportive vibration and belief that in the end everything will be as it should. Pair Spinel with Citrine as the two are incredibly energizing.


Selenite is one of the most powerful crystals on Earth and holds a special vibration for our modern, fast paced times. It works to align and clear the Crown chakra and is perfect for mental clarity and anxiety. Its pure vibration is essential for mediation and connection to higher consciousness. It is a great stone for getting rid of energy blocks and bringing peace, all in all this allows for a greater sense of connection with yourself and others. Great care should be used around water with this stone however, due to the delicate nature of Selenite. You can use Selenite for cleansing and charging other crystals, a common way to do this is to put your crystal jewelry in a Selenite bowl. It can also be used as a protective crystal for gridding in the home or for meditation and scrying.


Septarian, or Dragon Stone, is made up of yellow Calcite, brown Aragonite, grey Limestone, and a white or clear Barite. Due to their unique formation, each piece has its own particular composition and distinctive inclusions. As such, Septarian share similar energetic qualities but each have their own unique vibration based on their mineral composition. Septarian provides a protective shield and assists in regulating your spiritual, mental, and physical prowess. It’s powerfully calming, nurturing, and healing. Septarian loves to be held, it emanates a loving energy pattern making it ideal for meditation, especially if used when doing work around recognizing and connecting to your higher truth. It will help you focus on what’s important when your mind is cluttered with extraneous information, which makes it an excellent tool for problem solving. Septarian doesn’t just work on an individual level though it’s also excellent for facilitating collaboration. It’s often referred to as the “speaking stone” as it does wonders for the Throat Chakra and promotes authentic communication. Additionally, it works on the Third Eye and Crown chakras to encourage patience, mental flexibility, and tolerance of others. Septarian amplifies and merges the energies around it and promotes understanding on an emotional level.


Seraphinite is a highly spiritual stone with inclusions that look like feathers. “Seraphim” is a Latin term for celestial beings who were considered to be the highest form of angels. It aligns with the Crown chakra, but is powerful enough to clears all chakras. It is a stone that aids in spiritual growth as well as self-healing. Use it for mediation when you come to a crossroads or when you feel the physical body needs an energetic boost. It brings in light and awareness to all things and can soothe in times of sadness. Wearing this stone daily or meditating with it can help keep the chakras balanced and allow for more connection to your intuition and Guides.


Shungite has incredible grounding and healing properties. It clears erroneous patterns, cleanses chakras, conveys the difference between what is “for you” and what isn’t, and is an overall negative energy blocker. Scientists have discovered fullerenes in Shungite, which have remarkable properties. Among these properties, fullerenes boost the regenerative ability of human tissue and influence the exchange of neurotransmitters, which can improve a person’s resistance to stress. Shungite is amazing at clearing and protecting from geopathic and electromagnetic waves/stress. Place Shungite near your cell phone or computer to get rid of EMF pollution. Combining Shungite with Selenite will allow for maximum assistance with balance in any area.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is full of healing properties and is a stone of energetic protection. It connects to the Solar Plexus and Root chakras. It supports overall wellbeing and connects us deeper to Earth by allowing us to unpack any emotional baggage and old trauma. It relieves stress and anxiety and promotes positivity. In addition, it enhances authenticity and the ability to stand the sacred ground. It blocks negative projection, grounds the user in public spaces, and serves as a diffuser for energy overload. Therefore, it is fantastic for use during overwhelming holiday parties and large gatherings - it protects and clears simultaneously. Wear Smoky Quartz for protection or bring a piece into the home or office in spaces where lots of people gather in order to transmute any negative energy that may linger. Pair your Smoky Quartz with Black Tourmaline to stay in a space of mindfulness.


Sodalite is a healing stone that opens up the third eye, helps to release stress, and encourages the wearer to take charge of life by helping to clear the throat chakra, thus encouraging self expression.


Spinel is the stone of rejuvenation and renewal on all levels, so it is a good stone for those who spend too much time at work. It is a perfect companion to clearing the chakras as well as fortifying them with renewed vibration. During trying times or instances of drawn out stress, this stone delivers a supportive vibration and belief that in the end everything will be as it should. Pair Spinel with Citrine as it these two together provide an incredibly energizing vibration.


Sugilite is the stone of spiritual love and consciousness. It opens all of the chakras but has an unwavering connection to the Crown chakra as it aids in channeling. Sugilite has the ability to remind your soul why you are here and where you came from before this lifetime. It has an affinity for light workers and sensitive individuals, and can also help anyone who feels like they don’t belong - bringing love and light when life feels too negative. This highly protective stone is incredible for use when it comes to shock and abrupt change. It helps to tap into the soul’s desire so that difficult questions can be answered. Because of its resonation with the Crown chakra, Sugilite is excellent for dream recall, manifestation and tuning into the untapped dream state. Wear Sugilite or use during meditation or place next to your bedside. It is also helpful in spaces where you’re in need of creative energy. Pair Sugilite with Hematite for grounding and protection or with Fluorite for enhancing its spiritual properties.


Sunstone is a stone of joy and restoration of personal power. It clears the aura and all of the chakras, and also aids in the speaking of personal truth. Sunstone can be helpful with cutting any ties to negative people or situations that drain energy. Keep Sunstone with you often if you are someone who finds that saying no is difficult. Sunstone allows you to remove negativity and also increase your sense of self-worth. An interesting pairing is Sunstone with Moonstone, these two will provide the ultimate balance in so many ways, including increasing positivity and while keeping you feeling peaceful at the same time.

Sunstone Lepidocrocite

Sunstone Lepidocrocite helps us use our intuition to combat indecisiveness by increasing confidence and assuredness. This is a stone of self-trust and action and the perfect companion for decision making. Sunstone Lepidocrocite assists you in deciphering the true meaning and intentions of those around you. At the same time, it offers an incredibly loving vibration and helps dissipate toxic relationship patterns. It gently urges boundaries for self-care and self-preservation and is always softly reminding us that we don’t need to explain or apologize for prioritizing our own needs. Its focus on the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras activate our Sacred Creative Feminine energies.

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Tanzanite brings a sense of calm and stimulates higher consciousness by working on old habits and patterns, perhaps even those we are not even remotely aware of. It connects the Third Eye, Crown, and the Throat Chakra to form an incredible triangle that keeps intuition and edifying energy constantly flowing. Combine Tanzanite with Purpurite as they are both violet flame stones that are very powerful when it comes to healing.


Thulite encourages self-expression and edifies the life force. The crystal helps for resisting change and encourages breaking bad habits because it encourages curiosity, will, and balance. It connects to the Third Eye and Heart chakras reminding the user to love themselves first, especially if they often feel unworthy of love. It helps with healing any kind of emotional pain, and provide a feeling of escape when feeling overwhelmed. Thulite is also excellent for introverts or those who don’t love social situations. It also provides a vital link for precious life force and is especially potent when it comes to self-sabotage. Carry a small piece or wear Thulite near your heart especially if you are just beginning your journey to healing yourself, this can be very helpful to the process. Thulite paired with Fluorite or Larimar would be perfect for meditation.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger’s Eye is a stone of integrity and courage. It connects with Gaia Earth energy and works with the Root, Solar Plexus, and Sacral chakras. It protects the user against negative thoughts or energy that come from either from themselves or others, and encourages self-confidence in its place. This crystal is a master balancer and helps the user to accept all aspects of themselves. It will bring clarity to your problems, dissolve pessimism, and release any inclination to shift blame to others. Wear Tiger’s Eye for protection or grid with it in the home for balance.


Turquoise is a stone that clears and cleanses while instilling a strong sense of calm. It can balance out mood swings and help when feeling burnt out. It connects to the Throat chakra, and encourages communication with others and with yourself. While listening to yourself you may find that Turquoise has gently shown you what isn’t serving you in a way that doesn’t feel overwhelming. Because of its calming effects it assists in transmutation of trauma around betrayal and is also a stone of self-forgiveness, allowing you to process anything that is troubling you in a peaceful way. Pair Turquoise with Chrysoprase and find peace with embracing every aspect of yourself.


Unakite is a Heart chakra centered stone that helps to maintain balance with emotions and spirituality, and harmonizing moods. It helps to open the Third Eye and when used in conjunction it aids in visualization and connection to a deeper mental state especially when used with scrying. It facilitates rebirthing, helping to identify past blockages and anything within current circumstances that are keeping you from your Highest Good. Unakite likes to be placed near objects in your home that make you truly happy, or worn when in need of more positive energy.


Vanadinite is a stone that energizes and is great for those who spend long hours working. It keeps the user motivated and focused on their goals and as a result of productivity the user feels purposeful and organized. It also provides assistance in linking an over tired spirit back to the body so that both can experience alignment and rest. Vanadinite is an excellent stone to place in far left corner of your home, the wealth corner. It brings in wealth and abundance by promoting good business decisions and awareness around savings. Unlike Citrine it doesn’t bring in financial opportunity, rather it aids in curbing over-spending and filling a personal void by accumulating “stuff.” It’s an excellent grounding tool as it connects to your lower chakras. Place Vanadinite in places to help you discern boundaries you’ve set with spending whether that be in your purse, next to your wallet, or next to your computer if you shop online. Using Vanadinite under your pillow or next to your bed can help you wake up feeling full of energy.


Variscite is great for expanded perception and understanding. It allows you to make changes that will break bad habits and cycles - this allows you to take areas where you are “weak” and turn them into areas of personal power. This can be in terms of conflict resolution as well as understanding the self and personal needs. Variscite connects to the Heart chakra and encourages trust in oneself and unconditional love. This it is a good stone for meditation because Variscite offers portals to insight that allow for healing and transformation.

Watermelon Tourmaline

Tourmaline is an excellent stone for grounding and protection, but it's also an excellent mental healer and energy cleanser. It calms stress, blocks negativity, and boosts intuition. Its properties make it a good stone if working through any issue that feels particularly emotional. It can help with leftover trauma that has left a feeling of unworthiness. Watermelon Tourmaline is a super activator of the higher Heart chakra. Green inspires creativity, pink assures that it is safe to love and trust when it has been difficult to do so in the past. This means that it aids in us looking beyond what’s in our direct vision, into deeper meaning and soul lessons. Wounds around betrayal, abandonment, worthiness, all stem from heart wounding, and this stone help us understand these wounds from our own vantage as well as from those who perpetuated the pain. Wear Watermelon Tourmaline as close to your heart as you can or meditate with a piece placed directly on the Heart space.Tourmaline is an excellent stone for grounding and protection, but it's also an excellent mental healer and energy cleanser. It calms stress, blocks negativity, and boosts intuition. Its properties make it a good stone if working through any issue that feels particularly emotional. It can help with leftover trauma that has left a feeling of unworthiness. Watermelon Tourmaline is a super activator of the higher Heart chakra. Green inspires creativity, pink assures that it is safe to love and trust when it has been difficult to do so in the past. This means that it aids in us looking beyond what’s in our direct vision, into deeper meaning and soul lessons. Wounds around betrayal, abandonment, worthiness, all stem from heart wounding, and this stone help us understand these wounds from our own vantage as well as from those who perpetuated the pain. Wear Watermelon Tourmaline as close to your heart as you can or meditate with a piece placed directly on the Heart space.


Yooperlite is a type of fluorescent Sodalite rock that is found along the shores of the Great Lakes. Yooperlite promotes truth and helps when working on healing from trauma by allowing for the release of anger and fear. It’s an incredible Throat chakra stone and encourages deep healing to be facilitated through the spoken word. It gives the courage to be objective and articulate feelings and perspective. Yooperlite pairs beautifully with Malachite to usher in all of the honest answers you’ve been asking the Universe.

Crystal Magic 101

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Crystal Magic 101 Coursework

Meet Your Energy

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Meet Your Energy Coursework

Intuition & channeling

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Intuition & channeling coursework