All About June's New Moon in Gemini

As we approach the New Moon in Gemini on June 6th, 2024, it's as if the cosmic stage is set for a dance of energies that initiate profound shifts and opportunities for not only transformation, but some serious learning about ourselves. There will be heightened awareness both around our personal stories, but also our innate gifts.

I say this because our New Moon not only occurs in the pliable and communicative sign of Gemini, but also aligns with a host of planets, including a trine with Pluto in Aquarius and the energetic and karmic influence of Saturn. Let's dive in, shall we?

Gemini, ruled by Mercury, infuses this New Moon with curiosity, adaptability, and quite a curious thirst for knowledge.

With Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Sun converging in Gemini, our mental prowess is heightened.

This begins to pave the way for more open and clear communication, intellectual exploration, and the pursuit of what truly interests you. This alignment encourages us to express ourselves authentically and embrace versatility in our daily lives, so you may find yourself bored of the usual and feeling up for some change, I love that for us.

And if you're a creature of habit, you may find that there could be some shifts in behavior or that your habits could be changing at this time. Again, bring it on Universe. But wait, there's more.

The trine aspect between the New Moon in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius, only amplifies the transformative energy of this lunation.  As we've heard before, Pluto's influence is rooted in deep-seated changes, especially in how we approach innovation, societal structures, and collective evolution.

This alignment sparks a drive for meaningful change, urging us to embrace authenticity, break free from limiting beliefs, and contribute to positive societal shifts. See where I'm going with this?

It's as if the Universe is doubling down on our ability to change old habits and leave behind the outdated version of ourselves. The collective algorithm is changing and we are being pulled to change with it.

But I'm not done yet friend, there's this whole Saturn thing we need to discuss.

Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, casts a web of influence on this New Moon as well. It is intent on anchoring us to some seriously solid ground, with a sense of responsibility and long-term vision. This alignment encourages us to take practical steps towards our goals, establish healthy boundaries, and cultivate resilience when you know what hits the fan. I'm all about this particular aspect right now.

You might hear from others that this would make for difficulty around this New Moon, but I feel like the more grounded the better, even if it means we get a proverbial “tisk tisk” from Karmic Saturn. 

Saturn's presence reminds us of the importance of patience, perseverance, and integrity in our pursuits, and I love that because this means that we can trust our intuition even more at this time. I don't know about you, but with Jupiter in Gemini I have been a little overwhelmed at times and even second guessing minor decisions. This New Moon ushers in a more "knowing" rather than "seeking" energy. 

You will begin to see this in everyday life, as these planetary aspects manifest in various ways, influencing key areas such as relationships, finances, careers, and family dynamics.

The heightened communication and adaptability of Gemini support harmonious interactions and the exchange of ideas in relationships. Financially, the focus on innovation and transformation under Pluto's influence can lead to breakthroughs in money-making strategies, investments, and being able to save money where we didn't think was possible before.

However, the New Moon's alignment with Saturn prompts us to evaluate our purpose professionally, seek stability, and make strategic decisions for long-term success. All of this feels very grounded and on point to me, especially when it comes to connecting to purpose and clarity when it comes to work and sustaining the lifestyle we all desire. You might need to change some things around, and that could be the tricky part right? Saturnian energy will help you do that more precisely and with grounded, long term results. 

Something we do need to note is that there has been a similar transit in the past, and although the exact planetary alignments and aspects vary slightly, the New Moon in Gemini that occurred in June 2012 may provide clues for you this time around.

I do believe we are closing some cycles from that year with the energy of this New Moon. Its trine with Pluto in Aquarius, along with Saturn's influence, had our New Moon in 2012 initiating some intensely transformative energy. While not in Aquarius, Pluto was in Capricorn during June 2012.

Pluto in Capricorn signifies transformative energy in structures, institutions, and societal norms, which are still very much shifting today. Social media, specifically Instagram, was really gaining popularity and changes in leadership and societal structures across several countries in the Middle East and North Africa were occurring at an intense pace.

Saturn was in Libra during June 2012, highlighting themes of balance, harmony, and justice in relationships and partnerships. What were your relationships facing that year? Have those cycles closed out? Are they on their way there? Is this a time of new connection as you are now in a phase of healing where ready and open for something new? So much to think and feel here no? I love it, and I'm so here for it. Let's talk ritual now, shall we?


As we embrace the transformative energies of the New Moon in Gemini, I think we should try out a ritual that anchors our intentions, establishes healthy boundaries, and infuses our journey with magical resilience. This ritual combines practical steps with what I think are some pretty magical elements.

Materials Needed:
1. A small bowl of salt or earth (representing grounding and stability)
2. A white candle (symbolizing clarity, purity, and new beginnings)
3. A piece of paper and pen (for writing intentions)
4. Any additional crystals like Clear Quartz or Amethyst or whatever resonates with you

1. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed.

2. Place the bowl of salt or earth on your sacred space or a stable surface.

3. Light the white candle, symbolizing the illumination of your intentions and the New Moon's energy.

4. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and center. Visualize a white light surrounding you, creating a protective and sacred space.

5. On the piece of paper, write down your intentions for this New Moon cycle.

6. Focus on areas where you want to establish solid ground, set boundaries, and cultivate resilience. 

6. Be specific and affirmative in your statements. For example:

"I anchor myself in stability and clarity."

"I establish healthy boundaries that honor my well-being."
"I cultivate resilience and inner strength to overcome challenges."

7. Hold the paper with your intentions and visualize each intention as if it has already manifested. Feel the emotions associated with achieving these goals.

8. Dip your fingers into the bowl of salt or earth and sprinkle a pinch over the paper, symbolizing grounding and anchoring your intentions in the physical realm.

9. Carefully, and I mean carefully hold the paper over the flame of the white candle, allowing it to catch fire. As it burns, visualize the flames transmuting your intentions into reality.

10. Safely extinguish the burning paper under water, or into the bowl of salt or earth to extinguish the flames.

11. After you have extinguished the flame, affirm your manifestations with any or all three of these mantras. 
"I am empowered to manifest my intentions with clarity and purpose."
"I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and resilience."
"I establish boundaries that honor my journey and well-being."

12. Express gratitude to the Universe, your Guides, and your inner self for supporting you on this journey. Blow out the candle, symbolizing the completion of the ritual.

As you go forth into this New Moon cycle, carry the energy of anchoring, resilience, and magical empowerment with you. Trust in the process and stay aligned with your intentions.

I'm going to have a little bonus email for you this Saturday detailing the connection of the New Moon energy with your Sun Sign, so definitely come back then. For now, here is your tarot card pull. 

Tarot Card

We’ve got the Page of Wands as our Tarot card pull this time and I really got a little excited when I saw this. It is all about being led to better fortune and connects to transformation. I tend to focus on the salamanders that decorate his clothing, as they were once little animals that were thought to have the ability to walk through fire. I think we’ve all had a turn at doing this and have come through a proverbial fire or two in our time. During this lunation that will be my focus as I connect to gratitude in order to manifest even more love, abundance and joy.


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