All About Pluto Retrograde

I love me some Pluto Retrograde. I do. It can be so beneficially disruptive, and there's always a silver lining when it comes to shining light on buried truth, defining what it means to feel at home in your body and your physical space, and really forging a path that is more clear and secure than before. We do this through a deep and revealing transformation that leaves us not only changed, but refreshed.

This god of the underworld goes retrograde in Aquarius/Capricorn from May 2nd through October 11th, and I am so here for it. Let's dive in shall we?

As Pluto prepares to station retrograde, we begin to prepare to go through a collective transformation that will impact everyone.

Sounds ominous no? I'm a huge fan I tell you, this is going to be so good, intense, but so good.

The "bad news" is that this shift of direction tends to bring about some initial confusion and magnification of problems.

You could find yourself cleaning up messes that you did not make. To this I say, you've dealt with plenty of problematic stuff in your lifetime and you will deal with this just fine too. I know I sound a little brazen, but hear me out.

Anything, and I'm talking anything, that comes through or unearths itself during Pluto Retrograde will absolutely be for the best by the time it goes direct in October, and often sooner than that. But to explain this accurately, I have to let you know that Pluto will be retrograde in Aquarius until September 1st, but it will travel into Capricorn one last time, from September 1 to November 19, making this quite the nuanced time as it occupies two signs during its retrograde motion. Oof, did you get all that? 

This may all feel intense when Pluto changes signs because this particular retrograde cycle is an extra excellent time for research and gaining new insight into our self-destructive tendencies, needs for validation, desire for truth, and cravings of control.

I am pretty confident that you may just come out of this with amplified manifestation abilities as you release attachment and step into some real abilities around receiving. We have Capricorn energy to thank for that. And thanks to Aquarius' vibration, we will be presented with new and better ways to get what we want and need out of life going forward. Think change around business operations, business structure (like who you work for and who works for you), and perhaps where you physically work.

This shift can feel abrupt at first, but steadily you will be pulled into a better and more aligned position. The Universe is pretty damn clever, because she starts to focus even more on removing distractions and dissipating pressures stemming from situations that simply don't suit us anymore. It's as if she wants us to know and use our power well, but without interference. Over the coming months, you will see this play out beautifully. 

I say this because Pluto's energetic purpose is to urge you to shed light on your hidden shadows, contend with toxic belief systems, and identify the hell out of your patterns, so that you come away healed and empowered. Yes, as in BOTH healed and empowered.

You've been working on this stuff all along, right? Between shadow work, talking to your inner child, and getting curious during meditation, you know what this all entails. This time is just going to illuminate your healing path even more, but the secrets to true power will absolutely lay in our shadows.

After all, this is the planet of death, rebirth, and regeneration. Like the bright phoenix rising from the dusty, dark, ashes, it's about time you burn down anything that needs to go in order for new growth to emerge - even if it seems a little shocking at first.

And it will be Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius feeling this phoenix energy most. Connect to your "big six" (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) birth chart placements to get even more insight for this transit. Read up on this and mull it over in your next meditation as it could provide clues as to where to focus your energy in order to get the best out of this transit.

This also becomes the perfect time to review the larger, more slow moving evolutions in your life. Pluto’s distant proximity from the Sun will have energetic effects that feel more subtle as this transit rolls on.

As we settle into the third or fourth week of this transit, you probably won’t notice anything too dramatic going on, but rather more like a slow build that creates momentum that you realize later as the days get longer and weather even warmer.

I can't wait to hear about the beautiful changes you experience and I'm so ready for the deeper healing just ahead. 


Anchored to truth, I take in all that is true for me and aligned to love.

Anchored to love, I let go of the burdens of the past and align to healing.

Anchored to intuition, I let go of doubt and insecurity and align to the deepest knowing possible.

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