All About Venus in Taurus

As the end of Mercury Retrograde is quickly approaching on the 25th, we want to be diligent in keeping grounded and mindful of our needs within the shadow period which follows. The energy will continue to be clearing and sort of revising what we have in place, so it will be important not to jump head first into decisions or sign your power away when signing contracts.

Venus will enter Taurus on the 29th and squares Pluto on the 30th while Mars enters Aries on the 30th, making this a time of rebalancing energy where it comes to commitment in relationships and the way we treat our finances.

It’s a lot, but the shift will take us into less choppy waters by mid May.

It’s the journey getting there that might still be a little messy, but we can talk about that and get you prepared.

During this transit, trust can be an issue as Venus in Taurus needs to feel secure. This will be such a theme that I’m honestly just planning on some emotion to come through and to have some really great tea on hand. Seriously.

It is a time that is meant to show us that we are our own healers, and mothers, and fathers, and whatever else we need that has been missing. I guess great tea and a weighted blanket are my first line of comfort. Let’s dive in further though.

If the emotional security is lacking in a relationship, we will see that come through with some poignant struggles at this time. Venus moves into Taurus on April 29th, 2024 through May 23rd, 2024, and we sort of drop the fiery energy of Aries and step into a more subtle vibe that draws on us finding safety in relationships rather than constantly seeking the next thrill or quick fix.

You will also be more connected to nurturing energy as you are pulled to extending kindness to others. This is beautiful, but as always there is a plot twist.

When Venus squares Pluto on the 30th, it can complicate our close relationships because of the intensity of our feelings. You may be pulled to being temporarily more possessive, or even overbearing. Triggers around abandonment anyone?

This will be apparent in how you show love or express yourself, so don’t be afraid to give yourself some pause, as what is yours will still be there at the end of this transit. There will continue to be some reveals after this Retrograde, so getting ahead of ourselves will really be a no no.

The idea here will be to transform, not hide, behaviors that are possessive or destructive in relationships, or have been in the past. I believe this transit is really helping us assess self-sabotage as well.

These negative behaviors mainly center around gaining total control of the relationship in order to not feel insecure or worried it might abruptly end. Remember, instead this ends up working the opposite way and we end up realizing a self-fulfilling prophecy only to have to repeat the cycle later.

It will be so important to face the truth around where you can change in relationships instead of pointing the finger. And sure, Venus square Pluto can result in manipulative behavior, but it can also result in a heightened level of intimacy if we are willing to see it truthfully.

It’s a little messy, but if you’ve been watching my videos on social media, you know I’ve been talking about potentially messy behavior for the last few weeks. But wait, there’s more.

Venus also speaks to how we manage our money and what we value in life. This will be especially poignant in Taurus. During this transit, the emphasis will be on building and securing wealth, rather than squandering it. You could see this come through in many ways, but in particular it could really affect joint finances or if one partner is feeling like the other is wasting funds.

I say have the discussions when they come up and don’t skirt what it is that you really need. Even if the conversations are sticky or difficult, allow them to play out because with this transit coming through in the Retrograde shadow period, the only real way is through. Have difficult conversations. There. I said it.

Something else I will say is that saving is also going to be a major theme. This vibration comes though a little inconveniently in that it’s not always easy to balance the Venus in Taurus love of luxury with the need to reign in spending and think of the future.

I go back to the possessive and destructive vibe this transit can bring and would advise those with the urge to spend on something right now to give it two or three weeks before clicking submit on an online luxury item purchase.

And if you were my client, I would also advise you to really evaluate why you are pulled to spend right now and what void this actually fills in your life.

Once we connect to the root issue, I feel like this transit is so much easier. We are no longer stuck in an energetic cycle and come through more refined, more secure, and more open to endless receiving rather than taking what we can get in the moment. 


I am constantly creating for my greater good and that of the collective.

I am constantly finding new ways to earn more money while showing up as I am.

I am a beacon for abundance and comfort is my birthright.

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