Supermoon Journal Prompts For Clearing, Grounding, and Renewing
We’ve just had an incredible New Moon, and maybe you uncovered some parts of yourself or others that were hidden in the shadows. Perhaps you connected to deeper parts of your relationships with others that fortified you into deeper commitment and trust.
This can mean to trust in the relationship, to trust in yourself, or to leave the situation all together. We're taking the good medicine this year, and this New Moon brought us closer to whatever truth we’ve been seeking.
It will be important to process and integrate this as the next few weeks take us on a continued journey into the Full Moon.
I have made a list of simple journal prompts you can do in order to keep clearing, grounding and renewing.
Before I start, I want to really emphasize that creating a safe space to meditate and journal is something you are absolutely worthy of.
Clear out small clutter, wipe down the surface you will be writing on, change the sheets if this place is your bed, and grab something lovely to drink while you do this.
Perhaps speak positive affirmations into your water as you drink, or take sips between stanzas and feel yourself being nourished.
Now, here is your list of journal prompts, use them any time this weekend and in the week ahead.
Journal Prompts
What has come and gone for me these last six weeks?
What issue seems less significant than it did at the start of this calendar year?
Where do I feel it in my body when something feels off? How can I honor this?
When was the last time that I trusted myself? Am I willing to open myself up to this level of self-trust now?
What does truth feel like? What do I feel in my body when I know someone is being honest with me?
What are three small commitments I can make to myself this week?
What is one small commitment I can make to myself every day? (It’s okay if this is just making your bed, sometimes that’s all I have during busy weeks.)
What is one energetic outlet you utilize on your own? Do you feel like you make time for this? Could you make more time for this?
If you could commit to one self-care practice that you are not currently doing, what would that be?
What stops you from doing it now? What steps could you take to do this more easily or perhaps on a smaller more manageable scale?
What do you want, truly? Write down three feelings you crave to feel consistently. Write down three non-negotiable truths you will never waiver from. Do you see similarities in these? Do you see the possibilities of embodying them now?
As you write these prompts give yourself room to be pensive, silly, open, or just plain deliberate. No one is judging you here and this is your time.
As you open yourself up in your writing, maybe leave some room to write down some affirmations or desires.
Don’t hold back, if it feels right allow for stream of consciousness writing or just notice what comes through and note it as well.
Stay open to not having to know it all at once, this is the beautiful part about alchemizing your field with something new and more aligned.