The Effects of Mercury in Cancer

As Mercury enters Cancer (June 26 - July 11), we will be pulled even more to the notion that real luxury lies in simplicity.

This transit serves as the arrow pointing toward quality time, quality connections, and quality nourishment. It also points to past experiences that brought us joy and reminds us of who we truly are.

Gone is the constant chase for more or the inclination to compete with anyone but ourselves, at least this is the idea.

You may feel triggers around this as Mercury starts its journey, but the effects are short lived.

You may feel less confident in your abilities or even seek out the comforts of home and familiar places to complete projects or generate new ideas.

This is because as old stories are falling away, we are magnetized to what is truly for us.

And although we may not be pulled to crazy new adventures at this time, we will be pulled to experiences that nourish us on a soul level.

This is a great thing because we are creating the space to heal in a way that is authentic to us. This is also because the next day Chiron, the wounded healer, connects with Mercury and it’s all for the absolute best. He connects us to the depths of healing, honest expression, and heart centered awareness. He's not in retrograde, but rather assisting you in trusting your intuition more deeply by offering up truth. I love this because during this transit we connect to the fact that we can take care of ourselves through heartfelt connection with others. Superficial conversation and unnecessary drain of energy will have to go and as a result, we become even more intuitive during this transit as well.

It is as if our communication style becomes more reliant on our intuition. You’ll become better at noticing someone’s energy through what’s been left unsaid rather than pressing them for answers.

Just watch and observe closely. But know that everyone is going through it right now and maybe a little more watchful and cautious as well.

This all seems to dissipate and shift toward a more productive vibration as the Sun goes on a little rendezvous with Saturn, making it so so glad you trusted your intuition and went with your gut. And if you’ve been working on a legal matter, constructing a contract of some sort, or trying to get a long standing issue resolved, this resolution may become more apparent at months end as well.

Here are some mantras I’ve created just in time for Mercury’s journey in Cancer:

I am edified in speaking my truth and trusting my intuition.

I am capable of feeling my way through even though I don’t see this fully yet.

My peak is going to be incredible, and I am grateful the old stores have been put to rest.

There is no wrong way to use these, I will say my Monday mantra in the morning or whenever I sit down for a meal. This sets the intention bright and early and when I take the time to nourish myself. Do what feels right for you 💕.

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